Page 96 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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Peter Quinlan, RG

            Peter Quinlan has 36 years' experience as a professional
            hydrogeologist. Mr. Quinlan worked in groundwater exploration and
            water resources evaluation for Tetra Tech International and the
            government of Oman before returning to the United States and
            working for Hargis + Associates, and eventually, Dudek. His current
            professional responsibilities include water resource evaluation,
            expert witness testimony, groundwater modeling, and groundwater
            management planning.

            Project Experience

                                                                                         Peter Quinlan
            Groundwater Management                                              Education

               •  Prepared GSP for the Oxnard Sub-Basin for FCGMA               University of Arizona
                   pursuant to the SGMA of 2014. Groundwater                    MS, Hydrology
                   sustainability indicators with potentially undesirable
                   results included seawater intrusion, chronic lowering of     Certifications
                   water levels, decrease in storage, and groundwater           Registered Geologist (RG), AZ
                   surface water interaction. Work is ongoing.                  No. 26772
               •  Prepared GSP for the Pleasant Valley Sub-Basin for            Professional Affiliations
                   FCGMA pursuant to the SGMA of 2014. Groundwater              Industry Advisory Committee,
                   sustainability indicators with potentially undesirable       Department of Aerospace,
                   results included chronic lowering of water levels,           Mechanical, and Environmental
                   decrease in storage, and groundwater surface water           Engineering, University of
                   interaction. Work is ongoing                                 California (UC), San Diego
               •  Prepared GSP for the Las Posas Sub-Basin for FCGMA            Advisory Board, Department of
                   pursuant to the SGMA of 2014. Groundwater                    Hydrology and Atmospheric
                   sustainability indicators with potentially undesirable       Sciences, University of Arizona
                   results included chronic lowering of water levels,
                   decrease in storage, and groundwater surface water interaction. Work is ongoing.
               •  Prepared GSP for the Borrego Basin for San Diego County and the Borrego Water District
                   (BWD) pursuant to the SGMA of 2014. Groundwater sustainability indicators with undesirable
                   results included chronic lowering of water levels, decrease in storage, and water quality Work
                   is ongoing.
               •  Prepared AB 3030 Groundwater Management Plan for Rainbow Basin for the Rainbow
                   Municipal Water District.
               •  Prepared AB 3030 Groundwater Management Plan for the Tijuana River Valley for the Tia
                   Juana Valley County Water District.
            Groundwater Supply and Development

               •  Evaluated water quality and quantity and regulatory and water rights issues as part of the due
                   diligence for the acquisition of the Primm casinos and golf courses in Nevada and California.

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