Page 99 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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Steven Stuart, PE
Steven Stuart has been a professional hydrogeologist at Dudek
since 1997. Mr. Stuart has 20 years’ experience in California
managing groundwater supply projects and hydrogeological
investigations. His responsibilities include the oversight of
hazardous waste remediation projects, groundwater resource
assessments and investigations, and regulatory compliance. His
experience includes designing, building, calibrating, and
implementing 2-D and 3-D finite difference numerical models to
simulate groundwater flow and contaminant fate and transport in
the unsaturated and saturated zones. Mr. Stuart has used the
windows-based pre/post-processor Groundwater Vistas, and Steven Stuart
conducted simulations with the finite-difference codes Education
Additionally, he has designed 3-D finite difference numerical San Diego State University
models to simulate multiphase flow of contaminants using the MS, Geology with an emphasis
T2VOC and TOUGH2 modeling codes developed at Lawrence toward Hydrogeology
Berkeley Laboratory. UC San Diego
BS, Physics with specialization
Project Experience in Earth Sciences
Groundwater Supply and Management Professional Engineer, CA No.
• Project manager for implementing a habitat monitoring 79764
program for the YVWD to monitor the diurnal and
seasonal fluctuations of shallow groundwater in riparian habitat adjacent to San Timoteo
Creek. Data collected from the monitoring program was used to establish baseline
groundwater level conditions and evaluate the potential impacts on established riparian
habitat by planned reductions in treated effluent discharge to the creek.
• Data Project Manager for the Yucaipa, Beaumont and San Timoteo Groundwater
Management Zones. Responsibilities include collecting, compiling and analyzing groundwater
and surface water data to evaluate how each water agency and public entity is operating to
maintain the "maximum benefit" of the natural water resource in the upper northeastern
section of the Chino Basin that includes San Timoteo Creek.
• Conducted a water budget analysis for an alluvial sub-basin in Pauma Valley, California. The
analysis included an estimate of groundwater in storage and an evaluation of potential
impacts to storage by anticipated increases in groundwater production from the basin.
• Project manager for designing and implementing a monitoring program to establish baseline
groundwater level conditions in shallow alluvium underlying riparian habitat downstream of El
Capitan Reservoir and San Vicente Reservoir for the City of San Diego. Soil moisture sensors
were installed, in addition to piezometers, to characterize the soil moisture profile from land
surface to the water table.
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Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 97 of 208