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GSP for Borrego Valley Groundwater Basin, County of San Diego, California. Architects an ESRI
Enterprise Geodatabase and Web application for the Borrego Valley Groundwater Basin GSP.
Implements Python scripts for database creation; data extraction, transformation, and loading
operations; and recurring jobs to import and sync from external data sources (e.g., Microsoft Excel
workbooks with water quality results, online HTTPS historical and real-time weather station data).
Provides custom query and export functionality for enhanced data accessibility within the Web-
based user interface.
Year 3 GIS Services, RMWD, San Diego County, California. Provides support and maintenance to
the RMWD and Dudek joint GIS team, including a browser-based Web application for viewing and
querying the RMWD infrastructure and locating as-built PDF plans. The implementation includes a
mobile-friendly Web application for accessing the same data in the field from mobile smart devices.
Develops integrations with RMWD's asset management system, and collaborates with the GIS team
to provide creative reviews of data management workflows.
Regional General Permit, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, Los Angeles, California.
As database administrator, oversaw the creation of a database and associated user interface for
tracking impacts, mitigation, and agency notification/reporting. As biologist, evaluated baseline
data; participated in preliminary field visits with the client to lay groundwork for programmatic
permitting; and prepared programmatic permits for operations and maintenance projects
throughout the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California service area, focusing on Orange
County infrastructure.
Online GIS Updates, Temescal Valley Water District, Corona, California. Implements custom Web
GIS solutions for the Temescal Valley Water District operations team, including a map-based Web
application for viewing the TVWD infrastructure, including custom querying, filtering, data export,
custom map printing, and document linking to as-built PDF plan drawings. Links data to an ESRI
Collector for ArcGIS map, enabling field crews to access as-built plans and locate infrastructure
while in the field, whether connected to the internet or offline.
Vegetation, Exotic Weeds, and Tecate Cypress Mapping of Western San Diego County, San Diego
Association of Governments (SANDAG), San Diego County, California. As biologist, participated in
remote vegetation mapping and field ground-truthing of more than 500,000 acres of vegetation within
western San Diego County. As software developer/database administrator, created an electronic field
form for ground-truthing of vegetation mapping, exotic weed mapping, and Tecate cypress
(Hesperocyparis forbesii) mapping.
Vegetation Classification System Development, SANDAG, San Diego County, California. As biologist,
completed numerous vegetation samples and participated in post-field statistical analyses using
statistical packages, such as Systat, R, and PC-ORD, and co-authored the multichotomous key for
the Vegetation Classification Manual for Western San Diego County. As software developer, created
an electronic data entry program integrating camera, GPS, and paperless field forms for use with
ruggedized field computers. This software has built-in data validation and saved the project an
estimated $30,000 in paper, printing, manual data entry, and error-checking costs, which earned
this project the AECOM Green Ribbon Award for integration of sustainable practices. Created an
updated vegetation classification system for San Diego County, based on the Sawyer Keeler-Wolf
classification system, and integrated quantitative/statistical methods.
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Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 112 of 208