Page 116 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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Jane Gray

            Jane Gray is a regional planner, environmental specialist, and
            project manager with 23 years’ project management and
            environmental planning experience, specializing in
            water/wastewater planning and permitting, agricultural resource
            and policy planning, policy analysis, land use planning, project
            development and entitlement services, and grant writing and
            management. Ms. Gray has a diverse and nuanced planning
            background, having worked as a project manager, analyst, and
            environmental planner for nongovernmental entities, public
            agencies, and private firms and corporations. She has been
            responsible for projects varying from small-scale development and              Jane Gray
            infrastructure planning in developing economies to private
            residential and commercial developments throughout California.      Education
                                                                                Universität Dortmund,
            Ms. Gray brings acumen, efficacy, and a customized approach to      Germany
            efficient service delivery. Her ability to skillfully negotiate the   MS, Regional Planning and
            often-disparate interests involved in projects and bring about      Management
            consensus is an asset in any situation. Ms. Gray has                State University of New York,
            organizational expertise, technical aptitude, planning proficiency,   Buffalo
            and competency in facilitating projects through contentious         BS, Social Work
            issues and fractious communities. Her relevant grant writing.
                                                                                Professional Affiliations
            Project Experience                                                  Third District Santa Barbara
                                                                                County Supervisorial
            Grant Writing and Administration, Sustainable Groundwater           Appointee to the Agricultural
            Planning Grant Program under Prop 1 (DWR) for Santa Barbara         Advisory Committee
            County, Santa Barbara, California. Wrote a successfully awarded     Gubernatorial Appointee to the
            grant application for the SBCWA for GSA formation for two           Central Coast Regional Water
            priority basins in Santa Barbara County, and is also leading the    Quality Control Board
            administration and management of the grant and complying            (Region 3)
            with all grant requirements. Leading the public and stakeholder
            outreach and engagement as well as facilitation of local agencies working toward formation of a GSA.

            On-Call Grant Writing Services, San Mateo County, California. Providing ongoing grant writing services
            as well as grant and project scoping for San Mateo County and various divisions from Sustainability
            to Flood Protection to Climate Change among other projects. Applications have been prepared for
            state and federal grant programs.

            Santa Barbara Countywide Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Program Grant Applications,
            Proposition 84 and Proposition 1E, SBCWA, Santa Barbara, California. As extension of SBCWA staff, was
            part of a team that generated a Regional Acceptance Process application required for competition in the
            multiple rounds of funding associated with Proposition 84 and Proposition 1E under IRWM provisions.
            Participated in generation of the Proposition 84 Planning Grant Application submitted to the California

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