Page 121 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 121

Multi-Groundwater Production Well Rehabilitation, Joshua Basin Water District, Joshua Tree, California.
            Assisted in rehabilitation work on a municipal supply well. Project tasks included supervising
            mechanical pre-treatment work, turbine pump removal, removal of floating turbine oil, wire brushing,
            and dual-tube/dual-swab airlifting. Supervised the chemical treatment and associated agitation during
            contact time. Dudek oversaw and coordinated the re-installation of the turbine pump and disinfection.

            Large-Scale Aquifer Recharge Suitability, San Jacinto, California. Evaluated a 40-acre site in San
            Jacinto, California for suitability as an aquifer recharge facility. Supervised drilling of 18 sonic borings
            and documented continuous cores to assess suitability of sediments to infiltrate water. Prepared
            technical report, including cross sections detailing potential aquitards and provided
            recommendations on final recharge basin configuration. Additionally, provided recommendations on
            location and screened intervals for multiple single and multiport piezometers, based on locations and
            depth of potential aquitards and regional water table.

            Recharge Basin Well Installation, Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA), Rancho Cucamonga,
            California. Supervised drilling and construction of paired monitoring well to assess water quality and
            water level prior to bringing an existing recharge basin into use. Monitoring well design and
            installation details were determined as the work progressed due to the nature of the subsurface
            conditions. Wells were drilled using flooded reverse circulation and construction details were finalized
            based on drill cuttings and interpretation of geophysical logs. Facilitated coordination between driller
            and IEUA to maintain project momentum.

            Exploratory Borehole Drilling and Assessment for Groundwater Production Well Site, Eastern Municipal
            Water District, Moreno Valley, California. Supervised the drilling and evaluation of an exploratory
            borehole to evaluate the acquisition of the property and installing a groundwater production well.
            Groundwater quantity was evaluated via production rates measured during dual-tube reverse air rotary
            drilling, analysis of the aquifer material using drill cuttings, geophysical borehole logs, and nearby well
            performance. Groundwater quality was evaluated using zone-specific groundwater samples.
            Groundwater Well Survey, San Diego and Riverside Counties, California. Analyzed current and historical
            aerial imagery, color infrared imagery, geologic maps, high resolution digital topographic data and well
            logs in addition to active investigation techniques (electromagnetic soundings, magnetometer surveys
            and terrestrial electrical resistivity surveys) to recommend new water well locations for multiple private
            land holdings in southern Riverside County and countywide in San Diego.
            Artesian Groundwater Condition Investigation, Newhall, California. Collected and managed site water
            level data and performed slug tests and pump tests to determine aquifer properties. Coordinated,
            planned and performed geophysical survey to characterize the subsurface conditions of a spring
            complex. Obtained well permits and supervised well destruction.
            Countywide Monitoring Well Network, San Diego County, California. Maintained and monitored a
            network of over 40 groundwater wells. As project geologist, devised and performed aquifer pump
            tests on several of the production wells within the network. Coordinated with the County of San Diego
            to provide data for the countywide groundwater monitoring program.

            Groundwater Well Investigation, U.S. Forest Service (USFS), San Diego County, California. Planned and
            performed step test and constant rate aquifer testing at multiple groundwater supply wells for the USFS
            in eastern San Diego County. Performed temperature logging and depth-discrete water quality sampling
            in order to diagnose production zone contributing to high iron concentrations in the groundwater.

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