Page 123 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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Hugh McManus
Hugh McManus is a hydrogeologist with 3 years’ experience as a
geologic field technician specializing in groundwater elevation
monitoring, groundwater supply investigation review, surface mine
enforcement, and compliance with groundwater programs mandated
by the California DWR.
Project Experience
Groundwater Supply Investigation Review, County of San Diego,
California. Reviewed groundwater supply investigations for
technical accuracy and compliance with the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), County Guidelines for Hugh McManus
Determining Significance, and the County of San Diego Education
Groundwater Ordinance. Researched land use and zoning San Diego State University
densities to determine maximum basin buildout and projected BS, Geology
groundwater use. Manage and review Groundwater Monitoring
and Mitigation Plans (GMMPs) for various groundwater- Certifications
dependent projects, including golf courses and outdoor OSHA 40-Hour HAZWOPER
camping/recreation facilities that obtain a Municipal Use Permit Certification
through the County. Prepared correspondence, provided Professional Affiliations
direction, and interfaced with clients regarding adequacy and Geologic Society of America
changes needed to GMMPs.
Groundwater Monitoring Program, County of San Diego, California. Maintained, updated, and managed
a groundwater monitoring network of more than 250 privately owned wells through the county.
Prepared and created the County Groundwater Monitoring Procedures document and mapping
application to streamline quarterly groundwater monitoring. Procured new equipment and repaired
existing equipment. Effectively presented scientific information to internal staff and the general public.
Maintained a positive relationship with members of the public as a representative of the County of San
Diego and assisted in educating residents about groundwater information and conditions.
California Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM), County of San Diego, California.
Provided support to the County of San Diego Planning and Development Services to comply with
state-mandated CASGEM requirements on four medium priority basins within San Diego County,
including Borrego Valley, San Diego River Valley, San Pasqual Valley, and San Luis Rey River Valley.
Duties included coordinating with consultants, the DWR, State Parks, the City of Oceanside, water
districts, and individuals to incorporate new groundwater wells and acquire well completion and
monitoring data for CASGEM monitoring reports. Additional task included ongoing monitoring and
reporting to ensure County of San Diego compliance with CASGEM by performing semiannual
groundwater monitoring and coordinating with various agencies.
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Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 121 of 208