Page 125 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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Jeff Kubran, QSP/QSD
Jeff Kubran is a hydrogeologist and geographic information
system (GIS) specialist with 13 years' experience, specializing in
groundwater planning, groundwater remediation, stormwater
pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) monitoring and reporting,
water supply evaluations, and GIS. Report preparation includes
groundwater sustainbility plans, well completion reports, well
master planning, water supply assessments, SWPPPs, and Clean
Water State Revolving Funds applications. Field experience
includes construction site stormwater BMP monitoring; water
quality sampling and reporting; geologic and geophysical logging;
groundwater temperature, velocity, and depth discrete sampling; Jeff Kubran
and well construction and redevelopment oversight. Education
Project Experience UC, Santa Barbara
MESM, Environmental Science
California High-Speed Rail Construction Package 2–3, Dragados and Management
Flatiron Joint Venture, Sacramento, California. Approved, BA, Geography
certified, and assisted in the writing of the SWPPP as the QSD Certifications
for the High-Speed Rail Construction Package 2–3. The SWPPP Qualified SWPPP
was written to act as an overarching guide to BMP planning and Practitioner/Developer
was designed to be amended when detailed construction plans (QSP/QSD), No. 25238
became available. OSHA 40-Hour HAZWOPER
Cancer Center of Santa Barbara, Cancer Foundation, Santa Professional Affiliations
Barbara, California. Performed SWPPP BMP monitoring and Groundwater Resources
reporting. Prepared the construction general permit registration Association
documents, wrote and certified the SWPPP document as the QSD, Engineers without Borders
completed the annual reports, and conducted on-site staff training.
Coastal Vineyard Care Associates, Hydrogeological Services, Santa Barbara County, California.
Assisted with water resources evaluations to assess potential water quantity and quality for vineyard
properties. Coordinated with well driller's, cataloged drilling cuttings, and over saw drilling operations
of an agriculture well project.
Cold Springs Rancheria, Source Water Assessment, Tollhouse, California. Prepared the Delineation of
the Cold Springs Rancheria Source Water Protection Area utilizing the Environmental Protection
Agency's Wellhead Analytic Element Model (WhAEM). Performed a site visit to collect GPS information
and interviewed tribal environmental staff to prepare the Potential Contaminant Source Inventory
Report. The final deliverable was the Source Water Assessment and Protection Plan outlining
recommendations found in the WhAEM modeling effort and the Potential Contaminant Source
Inventory report.
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Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 123 of 208