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East County Substation/Tule Wind/Energia Sierra Juarez Gen-Tie Projects EIR/Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS), California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and Bureau of Land
Management (BLM), San Diego County, California. Served as principal technical editor for the
EIR/EIS. Also managed administrative record compilation and organized all comment letters during
the scoping process and public review of the EIR/EIS. Deliverables were compliant with Section
508 of the Rehabilitation Act - Federal Electronic Media. The Draft EIR/EIS was prepared in
December 2010.
Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan (DRECP), California Energy Commission, Southern
California. Edited numerous wildlife and plant species profiles as well as reviewing sections and
assisting with coordination of this multi-volume effort that spanned more than 12,000 pages.
Dudek supported the Renewable Energy Actions Team agencies (California Energy Commission,
BLM, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and California Department of Fish and Wildlife) in developing
the plan, which is a major component of California’s renewable energy planning efforts that will
help provide effective, coherent protection and conservation of desert ecosystems while allowing
for appropriate development of renewable energy projects across 22.5 million acres in the seven
counties of the California desert region.
Rancho Palos Verdes General Plan, City of Rancho Palos Verdes, California. Ms. Golden-Harrell was
contacted directly by the City’s planner and asked to submit a proposal to provide editorial and
formatting services for the update to the City’s General Plan. The City project manager was familiar
with the quality of work completed by Dudek’s publications department and reached out to us
directly. The General Plan needed to be completely edited and the format underwent a complete
overhaul to produce a well-written, accessible, and visually appealing document. The General Plan
is currently in use and posted on the City’s website.
Merriam Mountains Specific Plan EIR, Stonegate Development, San Diego County, California.
Served as lead editorial liaison responsible for editorial review, drafting/coordination of responses
to comments, coordination of production, and quality control for EIR. Project is a 2,300-acre, 2,700-
unit planned community proposed by Stonegate Development. Dudek is providing environmental
services for the proposed planned community and has guided Stonegate Development through the
County of San Diego environmental planning process and helped them meet the requirements for
implementing such a large-scale development project.
Tejon Mountain Village Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) and Biological Technical
Report (BTR), Tejon Mountain Village, LLC, Kern County, California. Served as technical editor and
assisted in editorial reviews of environmental documentation for this large-scale, master-planned
community. Dudek provided comprehensive environmental design and planning services for a
28,000-acre study area and assembled a comprehensive document detailing all sustainability efforts.
Newhall Ranch Resource Management and Development Plan (RMDP), Spineflower Conservation
Plan (SCP), and EIS/EIR, Newhall Land and Farming Company, Los Angeles County, California.
Served as technical editor and assisted in editorial reviews of RMDP, SCP, and biological resources
section of the EIS/EIR, which analyzes the impacts of the RMDP and SCP with respect to numerous
special-status species on the 13,650-acre site. Management plan addresses all special-status
species and habitats affected by the project and establishes standards for management of
biological resources on the site.
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Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 127 of 208