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Confidential Client, SWPPP Services, Ventura, California. Performs SWPPP reporting and monitoring.
Prepares SWPPP annual reports and updates BMP maps. Performs water and soil sampling and
analysis as part of the remediation process.
County of San Diego, Borrego Valley Groundwater Basin SGMA, San Diego County, California.
Coordinated the development of the data management system that was designed to house GIS and
other GSP-required data and information for the basin. Assisted with the basin boundary modification
and collection of a variety of GIS data for the data management system.
Andrew Brown, SWPPP Services, Goleta, California. Performed SWPPP BMP monitoring and reporting.
Prepared the annual reports, Notice of Termination, collected water quality samples, and conducted
on-site staff training for the Brown Residence Horse Arena construction project.
Former Kearney-KPF Facility, Hydrogeological Services, Stockton, California. Developed a mobile
water level collection application for generating water level elevation contours in the field and a
custom GIS tool for expedited report figure production. Assisted with quarterly water quality sampling
and groundwater investigations.
Goleta Water District, Water Supply Projects, Goleta, California. Conducted field surveys and prepared
Well Master Plans and Technical Memorandums for upgrades to improve the production and lifespan
of ageing and damaged wells. Performed field oversight of mechanical and chemical well
redevelopment. Oversaw pump tests of recently redeveloped wells and wrote recommendations for
pump and motor designs.
Montecito Water District, SGMA Tasks, Montecito, California. Authored a report to DWR on the basin
prioritization ranking of the Montecito Groundwater Basin requesting the basin be moved into a
medium ranking. Conducted a water use analysis of the basin by calculating the irrigated acreage of
landscaping and agriculture. Reviewed DWR well completion reports and geo-located the wells to
develop a GIS well dataset of the basin. Conducted a delineation of a basin boundary modification
and developed the associated GIS data.
Newhall Land and Farming Company, Middle Canyon Spring Project, Santa Clarita, California.
Conducts quarterly sampling to monitor water quality/quantity conditions in a jurisdictional spring
habitat. Tasks included water level measurements, water level data logging, surface water velocity
and flow volume surveys, and water quality sampling.
Santa Barbara County Water Agency (SBCWA), SGMA Tasks, Santa Barbara County, California.
Determined acreage of irrigated lands and crop types to estimate annual water use of two basins in
Santa Barbara County. Developed map templates, produced maps for stakeholder meetings, and
other public documents. Managed and organized GIS datasets.
Santa Ynez River Water Conservation District, Improvement District No. 1, Hydrogeological Services,
Santa Ynez, California. Assisted with an aquifer study to assess vertical distribution of naturally occurring
hexavalent chromium. Collected water temperature and water quality samples at various depths in order
to help characterize the aquifer. Assisted in the location analysis, oversaw the drilling operation, oversaw
the pump test, and wrote the well completion report for a new test well at the District office. Assisted with
the Well 27 project test to improve water quality by placing an inflatable packer in the well to block off the
upper production zone of the aquifer, which is known to produce elevated levels of hexavalent chromium.
Tasks included development of the well re-engineering plan, acted as on-site hydrogeologist to perform
field oversight during construction, and water quality sampling.
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Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 124 of 208