Page 124 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 124
SGMA, County of San Diego, California. Aided in the development of basin boundary and jurisdictional
maps for the public and presentations to the County Board of Supervisors. Collaborated with internal
staff to address positive outcomes for public relations regarding the implementation of SGMA within
four communities in the county. Duties also included providing support and attending planning group
meetings, planning commission hearings, and County Board of Supervisors hearings for SGMA-
related items.
Surface Mine Enforcement – Surface Mining and Reclamation Act (SMARA), County of San Diego,
California. Conduct site inspections and review reclamation plans for the County of San Diego Surface
Mine Enforcement program to verify that mines meet SMARA requirements, which includes
assessment of property boundaries, sloped-grading (Cut and fill slopes), erosion control, ponds, soil
and stockpile management, and revegetation. Perform site evaluations during construction activities
to ensure as-built geotechnical plans conform to approved reclamation plans. Conduct budget
inquiries and annual report reviews for surface mines within the County to confirm adequacy of
Financial Assurance Cost Estimate.
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Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 122 of 208