Page 153 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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Following receipt of a notice‐to‐proceed, we will work with YGSA staff to compile relevant data required
to define sustainability, set sustainability criteria, and evaluate options for obtaining and maintaining
groundwater basin sustainability.
Collection of hydrologic and hydrogeologic datasets through September 2018 (end of 2017‐18 Water
Year) will support characterization of current climatic, surface water, groundwater, and pumping
conditions. We assume that data will be provided electronically in spreadsheet and GIS‐compatible
formats. Todd Groundwater can facilitate file transfer and sharing among YGSA and project team
members by setting up a project folder on its file transfer protocol (ftp) site.
Spatial and numerical data received will be inventoried within the project Database Management System
(DMS) (to be developed under Task 5). Technical references will be catalogued to streamline required
documentation in the GSP, submittal to DWR of technical documents not generally available to the
public, and transfer of digital files in formats acceptable to the YGSA at the completion of the project.
Master spatial and spreadsheet databases for production and monitoring wells, climatic and stream
gaging stations, groundwater levels, water quality, and groundwater pumping will be prepared to allow
for efficient creation of GSP‐required maps, geologic cross sections, and charts. We will QA/QC all
databases to identify discrepancies and remove erroneous or duplicative data. All spatial datasets will
be saved in a geodatabase with consistent geographic coordinate system (e.g., NAD83 State Plane 0405
US Feet).
Task 2 – Develop Basin Conceptual Model
This task includes documentation and evaluation activities needed to and groundwater conditions (1)
describe the GSP Plan Area, hydrogeologic conceptual model (HCM), and physical characteristics of the
Basin, (2) characterize current and historical groundwater conditions in the Basin, (3) document current
and historical water budgets for the Basin, and (4) identify management areas (if any) that can facilitate
implementation of the GSP.
Document Plan Area, Land Use, Basin Physical Properties. We will document the Plan Area, which
includes describing the boundaries of the Basin to be managed by the GSA in relation to GSA member
service areas and jurisdictional boundaries of all federal and state lands and adjacent basins. We will
prepare maps showing land use designations and describe the relationship and potential constraints of
City and County General Plans and other land use plans to existing and proposed water resource
monitoring and management programs, focusing on existing and future water demand sectors. Well
permitting procedures and local well ordinances will be documented, recognizing their importance as a
management tool. As required in the GSP, a map depicting the distribution of well densities by use type
will be developed using the DWR‐provided SGMA mapping tool supported by the project well database.
Leveraging the technical studies completed by Valley District, the USGS, and others (and datasets
developed in Task 1), we will describe the geologic setting, depositional history, and key physical
properties of the Basin. We will describe the occurrence and thickness of alluvial deposits (bottom of the
basin), structural features (including mapped faults and inferred hydraulic flow barriers), and hydraulic
properties of key aquifers and aquitards across the Basin. Using publicly available soil and hydrologic
databases, we will map and describe soil characteristics and identify recharge areas in the Basin.
It is noted that the GSP requires the preparation of detailed geologic cross sections that depict the major
stratigraphic and structural features across the Basin along with screen intervals and water levels. To
Proposal – SBVMWD Groundwater TODD GROUNDWATER
Sustainability Plan for the Yucaipa Basin Area 4 June 2018
Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 151 of 208