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per GSP Regulations Subarticle 3, § 354.22‐§ 354.30. This evaluation allows identification of metrics
            under  which  the  sustainability  indicators  become  significant  and  unreasonable,  thereby  defining
            undesirable results. This metric is referred to as a minimum threshold and will be developed for each
            sustainability indicator applicable to the YGSA. Measurable objectives will be identified to demonstrate
            future performance and ability to achieve the sustainability goal.
            Analysis of undesirable results will build on results of the previous tasks and be used to determine
            minimum  thresholds  and  measurable  objectives.  It  will  involve  focused  discussion  of  groundwater
            conditions with respect to the six undesirable results (only four of which may be applicable or significant
            to  YGSA),  the  related  beneficial  uses  and  users,  and  the  potential  effects  (existing,  projected,  and
            cumulative) of groundwater conditions on beneficial uses/users.

            Analysis  of  undesirable  results  will  be  accomplished  through  various  analytical  and  numerical
            assessments. For chronic lowering of water levels, the analysis will focus on historical and current water
            level contour maps and well hydrographs, with comparison to potentially affected wells. Depletion of
            groundwater  storage  will  be  evaluated  with  the  USGS  model  and  supplemented  by  findings  from
            previous evaluations to ensure availability of supply through drought and climate change. Potential
            groundwater  quality  degradation  will  involve  analysis  of  water  chemistry  with  depth,  overall
            groundwater quality, and constituents of concern, but are likely to be readily managed. Subsidence is
            not expected to be a critical sustainability indicator but will be assessed using data provided by DWR and
            USGS California Water Science Center. Historical low water levels may provide a reasonable minimum
            threshold. Identification of interconnected surface water systems will be assessed with the USGS Model,
            and identification of GDEs will be based on review of GIS mapping and DWR‐provided data. Preliminary
            review  of  depth  to  water  indicates  that  sustainability  indicators  for  interconnected  surface  water
            systems and GDEs are likely to be constrained to the northern and eastern margins of the Basin.
            The  GSP  draft  regulations  outline  how  minimum  thresholds  are  defined  with  regard  to  supporting
            information,  their  mutual  inter‐relationships,  relation  to  existing  regulations,  consistency  with  the
            monitoring program, and effects on beneficial uses across the basin. Consistent with GSP regulations,
            minimum thresholds will be identified for each of the sustainability indicators in each management area,
            if more than one such area is defined for the YGSA.

            Task 4 – Identify and Evaluate Management Actions

            We will collaborate with YGSA to develop and analyze projects and management actions to achieve the
            identified sustainability goal (and interim goals) per GSP Regulations Subarticle 5, § 354.42– 354.44.
            Once groundwater sustainability has been defined, measurable objectives identified (including minimum
            thresholds), and the water budget established, sufficient information will exist to assess groundwater
            conditions  relative  to  the  sustainability  goal.  It  is  at  this  point  that  an  implementation  program  is
            developed and presented in the Management Actions and Projects sections of the GSP.
            The  development  of  projects  and  management  actions  will  be  tied  closely  to  sustainability  criteria
            developed in Task 3. A range of possible management actions, programs, and projects will be identified
            (based on existing planning documents, ongoing investigations, and outreach) that can be implemented
            to help achieve (or maintain) sustainability. Projects will be screened for feasibility and ability to meet
            the GSP objectives. Individual projects will first be simulated using groundwater modeling to assess the
            ability  to  meet  the  sustainability  goal;  promising  projects  will  be  re‐analyzed  as  scenarios  for  GSP
            development.  Although  projects  and  actions  will  be  evaluated  during  a  public  process,  some  key

               Proposal – SBVMWD Groundwater                                           TODD GROUNDWATER
               Sustainability Plan for the Yucaipa Basin Area    6                                 June 2018
                              Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 153 of 208
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