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management activities (e.g., recharge opportunities using imported State Water Project water and
captured local storm runoff) have been identified already and are being evaluated by the YGSA.
Based on this analysis, the management actions, projects, or programs will be analyzed for possible
inclusion in the GSP. The USGS Model will be used to analyze these strategies individually and in
combination to determine the ability of selected management actions to achieve or maintain
sustainability goals for the future. We will analyze strategies to optimize benefits and compare those
benefits against the baseline future scenario. As per GSP regulations, climate change scenarios will be
considered in the analysis.
Task 5 – Prepare Implementation Plan and Management Actions
Prepare GSP Administrative, Operations, and Reporting Plan. For this, we will work with YGSA to prepare
an implementation plan of the GSP. This task will include developing steps for implementation, a plan
schedule (including annual reporting and periodic evaluations), and a fiscal strategy. As required by
Regulations § 354.6, costs for implementing the project and management actions will included in the
GSP, along with costs associated with any monitoring network improvements that may be
recommended. The plan schedule will include milestones relative to required annual reporting of
groundwater conditions and water resources, in addition to key meeting dates. The Plan Implementation
will also consider the process for periodic evaluations, including re‐examination of the GSP at five‐year
intervals, allowing for assessment of progress in meeting milestones and measurable objectives.
Evaluations will be used to report the performance of the GSP and determine if revisions are required.
Describe Existing and Planned Monitoring Network. We will develop a GSP monitoring network and
monitoring protocols with the collection of data of sufficient quality, distribution, and frequency to
characterize groundwater and related surface water conditions and to track changes, including short‐
term, seasonal, and long‐term trends. We assume that the existing monitoring networks and protocols
used by the YGSA will provide a strong foundation for the GSP. Monitoring will likely need to be expanded
beyond current programs to include the ability to monitor for each of the minimum thresholds or to
address technical deficiencies and/or data gaps.
Groundwater and surface water monitoring has been conducted in the Basin for decades. Accordingly,
historical and current monitoring programs provide many opportunities for designation of
representative sites, including wells that have been long monitored and deemed suitable for the GSP
monitoring program with appropriate well construction information. Consistent with GSP Regulations §
354.36, these will be evaluated and documented in terms of distribution (areal and vertical) and density,
suitability to monitor sustainability indicators, and representation of general conditions in an area.
Develop Framework for Database Management System (DMS). Monitoring network details will be
incorporated into the DMS. We envision that the YGSA DMS will consist of a combination of standardized
datasets using typical formats for groundwater data including Excel spreadsheets, a project Access
database, and a GIS geodatabase. The DMS will be tailored to meet the functional needs of the YGSA to
store and report information for the development of the GSP, demonstration of progress toward
sustainability goals, and ongoing monitoring of the Basin, as well as the specific activities noted above.
We will coordinate with the YGSA to ensure the proposed GSP DMS formats meets the requirements of
DWR and are compatible with YGSA members.
Proposal – SBVMWD Groundwater TODD GROUNDWATER
Sustainability Plan for the Yucaipa Basin Area 7 June 2018
Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 154 of 208