Page 34 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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A-14  |  Groundwater Sustainability Plan for the Yucaipa Basin Area |  San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District

           Paso Basin Supplemental Supply Options                     Groundwater Management Services  |
              Study  |  County of San Luis Obispo                                                                Northern Cities Management Agency
           Ms. Courtney Howard, Water Resources Division           Mr. Benjamin Fine, PE, City Engineer/Public Works
          Manager  |  (805) 781-1013  |      Director  |  (805) 773-7037  |
         The Paso Basin has experienced dropping                WSC     is    providing    ongoing     groundwater
         groundwater levels over several decades and            management services to support  the Northern
         recent increased declines have caused numerous         Cities Management Area Technical Group (NCMA
         wells to go dry. WSC served in an integral role in     TG) in managing groundwater and local surface
         the study of potential supplemental water supply       water  resources  in  the  northern  portion  of  the
         options to bring the basin back into balance.          Santa Maria Groundwater Basin (SMGB).  The
                                                                NCMA  TG  must  fulfill  established  requirements
         The  project  included  preliminary  identification    and goals under the Adjudication, which includes
         and  quantification  of  potential  supplemental       monitoring the groundwater conditions, assessing
         supply alternatives sources, a fatal flaw analysis,    hydrologic  conditions,  and  preparing  an  Annual
         and a rough screening analysis to identify areas       Report annually.
         for further study. Groundwater levels in the
         area are a topic of public concern, and extensive      For nearly 10 years, WSC has been actively involved
         public outreach and coordination was included.         in assisting the NCMA TG in managing their diverse
         Outreach efforts included coordination with the        supplies and regional infrastructure. WSC performs
         Paso  Basin  Blue  Ribbon  Committee  to  provide      technical analyses, provides managerial guidance,
         updates on study status and findings, presentation     and facilitates groundwater management activities
         at a Paso Basin Open House, and facilitation of        to aid in the sustainable management of the basin.
         review  meetings  with  local  rural  landowners,      WSC  also  assists  the  NCMA  TG  in  collaborating
         farmers, water agency representatives, and other       with its regional partners and local stakeholders.
         key stakeholders.
                                                                Staff  assigned:  Michael  Cruikshank,  Jeffery  Szytel,  Jeroen
         Staff  assigned:  Jeffery  Szytel,  Jeroen  Olthof,  Daniel   Olthof, Johnson Yeh, Laine Carlson, Daniel Heimel, Spencer
         Heimel, Spencer Waterman                               Waterman, Kendall Stahl
                       Relevance to Project:                                   Relevance to Project:

         • Evaluated numerous supplemental supply              • Coordinate     regional    surface    water     and
           alternatives  to  achieve  sustainability  in  the    groundwater management activities
           Paso Basin                                          • Provide technical review and oversight to the

         • Facilitated  numerous  stakeholder  meetings,         development of the Annual Report
           forums, and open houses to obtain input and         • Facilitate outreach to agricultural growers and
           build stakeholder buy-in                              other stakeholders
         • Worked with regional stakeholders to identify       • WSC leads collaboration within the NCMA TG and
           exchange  and  other  innovative  solutions  to       amongst the regional partners and stakeholders
           enhance  utilization  of  existing  infrastructure    to  improve  coordination  efforts  and  finding
           and storage to improve long-term water supply         solutions to challenging groundwater supply and
                                                                 management problems
           resiliency         Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 33 of 208
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