Page 32 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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A-12  |  Groundwater Sustainability Plan for the Yucaipa Basin Area |  San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District

             Ambient Water Quality Recomputation for                   Upper Santa Ana River Integrated Model  |
            the Santa Ana River Watershed Groundwater                San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water Distct
               Management Zones |  Basin Monitoring
                          Program Task Force                                                                      Mr. Robert Tincher, PE, Manager of Engineering &
                                                                        Planning  |  (909) 387-9215  |
           Mr. Mark Norton, Water Resources & Planning Manager
                   (951) 354-4221  |              Currently the Santa Ana River (SAR) passes
        The Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the          over four groundwater basins, multiple water
                                                                     districts, and has nine separate groundwater
        Santa  Ana  River  Basin  requires  the  implementation      and  watershed  models—making  it  difficult
        of a watershed-wide total dissolved solids (TDS) and         to identify current conditions and potential
        nitrogen groundwater monitoring program.  This will          impacts that planned projects could have on
        determine ambient water quality in groundwater,              groundwater and the watershed as a whole.
        assess    compliance     with   groundwater      quality     Complicating  matters  is  that  the  basins  are
        objectives,  and  determine  if  assimilative  capacity      hydrologically connected to several other
        exists in groundwater management zones.                      basins in the area. Geoscience is developing

        Mr. Cruikshank managed the 1996-2015 version                 a combined model for the Santa Ana River
        of  the  triennial  AWQ  recomputation.  The  study          that will help determine baseline hydrological
        computed current AWQ for TDS and nitrate-nitrogen            conditions  and  the  potential  effects  of
        in all 40 groundwater management zones in the Santa          proposed projects on the Santa Ana River
        Ana River watershed and interpreted the results. The         and groundwater levels for the entire upper
        project involved collecting, processing, and storing all     watershed.
        groundwater quality and groundwater levels data from         Staff  assigned:  Johnson  Yeh,  Brian  Villalobos,  Kapo
        1996-2015  in  a  centralized  database.  The  database      Coulibaly, Nathan Reynolds, Lauren Wick, Leo Liu
        developed  point  statistics  for  nitrate  and  TDS,  and
        groundwater quality and elevation contour maps were
        prepared  in  the  management  zones  with  requisite                     Relevance to Project:
        data, and computed the volume-weighted ambient               • Ability  to  identify  effects  of  current  and
        TDS  and  nitrate-nitrogen  concentrations  using  the         proposed projects on the watershed as a
        data generated from the contour maps.  Interpretive            whole
        tools included a spatial analysis of groundwater quality
        change, a temporal analysis of groundwater change            • Combining  multiple  models  and  working
        comparing basin-scale trends to trends observed in             with stakeholders that will also be involved
        key well locations, and a forward-looking well attrition       in this project
        analysis.                                                    • Use  and  refinement  of  groundwater  and
                                                                       surface water models, including GSFLOW
        Staff assigned: Michael Cruikshank                             and  HSPF  provided  by  multiple  parties,
                         Relevance to Project:                         including USGS

        • Facilitated SAR Watershed Stakeholder Engagement
        • Extensive knowledge of groundwater management
          zones and water quality objectives
                              Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 31 of 208
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