Page 28 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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A-8  |  Groundwater Sustainability Plan for the Yucaipa Basin Area |  San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District
                                                                              SAMPLE PROJECTS:
                         spencer waterman                 • Regional Recycled Water Concept Study, San Bernardino

                                                            Valley  Municipal  Water  District.  Staff  Planner.  To
                         Supplies       &       Demand      support nine local agencies, applied Triple Bottom Line
                         Planning    |   Mr. Waterman       scoring process to evaluate alternatives and has a holistic
                         is an experienced Planner          understanding of the local water supplies and demands.
          who has completed more than 50 technical        • Regional Urban Water Management Plan, San Bernardino
          planning studies. He is the lead author           Valley Municipal Water District.  Supporting Author &
          or  technical  advisor  for  nearly  30  Urban    QA/QC  Lead.    Collaborated  and  collected  data  from
          Water Management  Plans and has served            10  participating  agencies  to  update  water  supply  and
          in an integral role on more than 10 master        demand projections through 2035.
          plans.  He  has  experience  evaluating  water
          supply scenarios, developing state water        • Regional  Supply  &  Demand  Planning,  Northern  Cities
          law compliance documents, providing water         Management  Area  Technical  Group.  Staff  Planner.
          use  efficiency  and  conservation  services,     Analyzed water supply and demand data to inform water
          and utilizing GIS to spatially allocate water     resources management decisions and was incorporated
          demands and develop maps for clients.             into the groundwater planning documents.

                                                                               SAMPLE PROJECTS:
                         si si, ms, eit                   • Gateway  Subbasin  Recycled  Water  Use  Evaluation,

                                                            Yucaipa  Valley  Water  District.  Staff  Modeler.  Helped
                         Groundwater Modeling |  Ms.        develop a model for the unconsolidated sediments, and
                         Si has more than five years of     solute transport. Also assessed travel times and recharge
                         experience in groundwater          scenarios.
          and environmental investigations performed
          for numerous municipalities, state agencies,    • Upper Santa Ana River Integrated Model, San Bernardino
          and private clients throughout California. She    Valley Municipal Water District. Staff Modeler. Combined
          regularly  performs  groundwater  flow  and       multiple surface and groundwater models.
          solute transport modeling, hydrogeologic  • US EPA Model, City of San Bernardino. Staff Modeler.
          investigations, groundwater basin and water       Prepared the SBBA HSPF watershed model input
          quality studies,  watershed  modeling  and        data and run model; prepared recharge packages for
          management, groundwater waste discharge           stream bed percolation, mountain front runoff and areal
          permitting,  GIS  mapping,  and  database         recharge for Groundwater Flow Model based on water
          development and management.                       balance analysis from HSPF.

                                                                               SAMPLE PROJECTS:
                         Leo Liu, ms, eit                 • Groundwater  Model  Update  &  Annual  Water  Budget,

                                                            Yucaipa Valley Water District. Staff Modeler. Constructed
                         Groundwater       Modeling     |   a groundwater model to assess water budget and change
                         Mr. Liu has over five years of     in storage needs.
                         experience with groundwater
          and  environmental  investigations  while       • Upper Santa Ana River Integrated Model, San Bernardino
          working  for  municipalities,  state  agencies,   Valley Municipal Water District. Staff Modeler. Collected
          and private clients throughout California..       and  digitized  data  using  GIS  software  and  calculated
          He routinely performs groundwater flow and        water budget including evapotranspiration.
          solute transport modeling, hydrogeologic  • Joint  Groundwater Model for the Rialto-Colton Basin,
          investigations, groundwater basin and water       San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District. Project
          quality studies,  watershed  modeling  and        Geohydrologist. Prepared a technical memorandum
          management,  artificial  recharge  projects,      comparing  previous  groundwater  models  of the
          and  has  experience  in  GIS  applications,      Rialto-Colton area and helped with subsequent model
          database  development  and management,            construction and calibration reports.
          and well design.    Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 27 of 208
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