Page 30 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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A-10 | Groundwater Sustainability Plan for the Yucaipa Basin Area | San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District
Regional Recycled Water Concept Study Regional Urban Water Management Plan
San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District
Mr. Robert Tincher, PE, Manager of Engineering & Mr. Robert Tincher, PE, Manager of Engineering &
Planning | (909) 387-9215 | Planning | (909) 387-9215 |
WSC collaborated with Valley District and nine WSC prepared the 2015 Regional Urban Water
local partners to identify and evaluate regional Management Plan (RUWMP) for Valley District
recycled water projects that maximize regional and 10 local water suppliers. The water supply
benefits. WSC facilitated individual and regional analysis included an evaluation of groundwater,
stakeholder meetings to establish goals and local surface water, State Water Project water,
objectives and brainstorm conceptual recycled and recycled water supplies and identified the
water alternatives. water rights and regional water management
WSC developed a conceptual design for each
of the nine projects that were identified for WSC coordinated with nearly all participating
evaluation, including an evaluation of recycled agencies to request, receive, and manage
water beneficial uses, expected regulatory each agencies’ data and utilized a robust data
requirements, treatment alternatives, required management platform to store regional water
facilities, and capital and operating costs. The supply and demand information in a single
alternatives were evaluated using environmental, database to facilitate future updating and
economic, and social factors, and a preferred use. WSC also facilitated individual and group
project portfolio was identified. discussions and incorporated those findings into
regional solutions.
Staff assigned: Jeffery Szytel, Jeroen Olthof, Laine
Carlson, Spencer Waterman, Kaylie Ashton. Staff assigned: Jeffery Szytel, Jeroen Olthof, Laine Carlson,
Spencer Waterman, Kaylie Ashton.
Relevance to Project:
Relevance to Project:
• Developed a GIS geodatabase of local and
regional water resources information to • Established familiarity with the regional
support effective data visualization and drive planning toolset and can leverage existing data
regional project brainstorming • Developed a water supply and demand
• Facilitated stakeholder discussions to develop database that can generate custom outputs for
a ranking framework that encompasses regional water resource management activities,
economic, social, and environmental criteria to such as the GSP
identify recycled water projects that achieve • Facilitated numerous progress meetings and
regional benefits coordinated with project participants
Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 29 of 208