Page 27 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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A-7 | Groundwater Sustainability Plan for the Yucaipa Basin Area | San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District
holly tichenor • Central Coast Blue, Multiple Agencies, Pismo Beach.
Communications Project Manager. Facilitated
Stakeholder Outreach | Ms. a full-scale rebranding effort for a $30 million
Tichenor brings more than 20 Indirect Potable Reuse program that included the
years of stakeholder outreach participation of five separate agencies.
and communications experience in the water
and recycled water industry. She works • Utilities Department Strategic Plan, City of San Luis
collaboratively with project stakeholders Obispo. Strategic Planning Facilitator. Conducted
and gain consensus and results that support interviews and led a strategic planning workshop
the interest of all participants. She has with the Department’s managers to assist in
been an advocate, creator, and supporter assessing the needs of the nine sections within the
of communication services that advance Department.
programs, projects, organizations, and • Bear Valley Water Sustainability Project, Big Bear
initiatives Area Regional Wastewater Agency. Communications
and Outreach Lead. Leading communications and
outreach efforts for four agencies within the Big
Bear Valley to implement and gain funding for a
regional One Water solution.
erik cadaret, SAMPLE PROJECTS:
ms, git • Groundwater Model Update, Consumers
Engineering Support | Mr. Energy Corporation. Hydrogeologist. Compiled
Cadaret is a Geologist-in- and analyzed water level and geologic data,
Training with extensive field conducted geologic interpretations and identified
and rigorous scientific research experience. hydrostratigraphic units, developed piezometeric
He has technical expertise in experimental contour maps, and assisted in updating an existing
design, data analysis and interpretation, and groundwater model.
conducting field data collection activities. • SR-520, Washington State Department of
His technical experience includes managing Transportation. Hydrogeologist. Compiled
field operations, training staff, well logging, and analyzed water level and geologic data,
piezometric data collection and interpretation, conducted geologic interpretation and identified
aquifer testing and analysis, GIS applications, hydrostratigraphic units, and developed
and data management and visualization. piezometeric contour maps.
Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 26 of 208