Page 22 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 22
A-2 | Groundwater Sustainability Plan for the Yucaipa Basin Area | San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District
project team
MICHAEL CRUIKSHANK, • Groundwater Sustainability Plan, Fox Canyon
PG, CHG, MS Groundwater Management Agency. Senior
Project Manager | Mr. Hydrogeologist. Developed groundwater balances used
Cruikshank is a certified in the Groundwater Sustainability Plans for the four
hydrogeologist with more groundwater basins within the Agency’s jurisdiction,
than a decade of professional experience. He including a water budget.
has extensive experience in hydrogeologic • Central Coast Blue, Multiple Agencies. Program
basin analysis, water resource planning, and Manager and QA/QC. Providing technical oversight for
evaluating water quality. Mr. Cruikshank has the development of the Santa Maria Groundwater Basin
completed hydrogeologic analyses in every model and managing the hydrogeologic investigations
groundwater basin within the Santa Ana River of the Santa Maria Groundwater Basin.
Watershed, including the Yucaipa Basin area, • Update and Recalibration of the Chino Basin
and has a comprehensive understanding of Groundwater Model, Chino Basin Watermaster. Senior
the Yucaipa Basin’s groundwater resources. Hydrogeologist. Assisted in the update and recalibration
He has been actively involved in the of the Chino Basin groundwater and surface water
development of all components required in model.
a GSP, including groundwater flow models,
water budgets, sustainable yield estimations, • Recomputation of Ambient Water Quality, Basin
and adaptive management programs in large Monitoring Program, Santa Ana Watershed Project
diverse stakeholder groups. Authority. Project Manager and Senior Hydrologist.
Conducted the hydrogeologic modeling and mapping
of the Santa Ana River Basin.
JEFFERY SZYTEL, • Regional Recycled Water Concept Study & Regional
Pe, ms, MBA Urban Water Management Plan. San Bernardino Valley
Municipal Water District. Principal in Charge. Facilitated
Principal in Charge | Mr. Szytel the collaboration of numerous local agencies to request
has 20 years of planning, and compile data to develop comprehensive planning
project implementation,
and multi-agency facilitation in the water documents. Established relationships with several local
resources industry. He is an industry
leader who works alongside clients to • Paso Basin Supplemental Water Supply Plan, County
achieve watershed-wide solutions which of San Luis Obispo. Principal in Charge. The project
maximize the environmental, economic, included collaboration with multiple stakeholders and
and social benefits to the community. As evaluation of three different supplemental water supply
Founder and CEO, Mr. Szytel can deploy the options to achieve groundwater sustainability.
necessary resources needed to successfully • Regional Groundwater Management Services, Northern
complete the Yucaipa Basin Groundwater Cities Management Area Technical Group. Principal in
Sustainability Plan accurately and efficiently, Charge. Developed decision-support tools, conducted
as well as provide direct accountability for feasibility studies, implemented a groundwater
WSC’s performance. management plan, and is implementing a supplemental
supply project to enhance Santa Maria Groundwater
Basin sustainability.
Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 21 of 208