Page 24 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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A-4 | Groundwater Sustainability Plan for the Yucaipa Basin Area | San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District
PhD, PG, CHG • Upper Santa Ana River Integrated Model, San
Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District.
Groundwater Modeling | Project Manager. Leading efforts to use existing
Mr. Yeh has over 28 years of groundwater and surface water models to develop
experience and has managed an integrated groundwater model for the Santa Ana
numerous groundwater modeling efforts, River.
hydrogeologic investigations, groundwater
basin and water quality studies, and artificial • Surface and Groundwater Model for Murrieta-
recharge projects. He routinely collaborates Temecula Basin. Project Manager. Refined existing
with the USGS to develop models in the USGS models to understand, analyze, and evaluate
Yucaipa and San Bernardino areas and will remediation strategies.
work closely with GSA members to develop • Central Coast Blue, Hydrogeologist Project
accurate models with sufficient detail to Manager. In a partnership with WSC, he is leading
inform groundwater sustainability strategies. efforts to evaluate existing characterization studies,
His breadth of experience and in-depth local groundwater models, and water quality data for a
knowledge will enable him to run scenarios regional recycled water project.
and develop an accurate sustainable yield
laine carlson, SAMPLE PROJECTS:
Pe, d2 & t2 water operator • Santa Ana Conservation & Conjunctive Use Program
Decision Support Model, Santa Ana Watershed
Mgmt. Actions & Project Protection Agencies. Project Manager. Served
Development | Stakeholder as a co-lead with another consulting agency for
Outreach | Ms. Carlson has agency coordination and data collection for a tool
more than 13 years of local engineering to support optimization of a proposed watershed-
experience working for public utilities and as scale conjunctive use program.
a consulting engineer. She specializes in water
system planning and design which allows her to • Regional Recycled Water Supply Planning Study, San
take innovative approaches to the evaluation Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District. Project
of water supply and demand scenarios with Manager. Collaborated with nine local agencies to
the goal of providing cost-effective solutions. identify regional solutions to improve local water
She has completed planning documents for supply reliability and sustainability.
more than 10 local agencies and is adept at • Regional Urban Water Management Plan, San
working with engineering and operations Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District.
departments to analyze data, identify issues, Regional Liaison and Technical Advisor. Coordinated
and recommend implementable solutions. with 10 local agencies to update local water supply
and demand projections through 2035, providing
a holistic view on local resources and obtaining
data that can be leveraged for the Groundwater
Sustainability Plan.
Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 23 of 208