Page 23 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 23
A-3 | Groundwater Sustainability Plan for the Yucaipa Basin Area | San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District
jeroen olthof, SAMPLE PROJECTS:
Pe, ms, mba • Regional Recycled Water Concept Study, San
Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District. QA/
QA/QC | Mr. Olthof has more QC. Supported data management, analysis, and
than 25 years of water resources database development for nine local agencies,
engineering experience. He is a as well as evaluated numerous alternatives to
nationally recognized expert in the application, recommend a preferred project.
adaptation, and use of databases, GIS, and
modeling technology to solve problems related • Regional Urban Water Management Plan, San
to water and recycled water systems. His Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District. Project
experience includes hydraulic modeling and Manager. Managed the development of the Regional
analysis, water supply and demand analysis, Urban Water Management Plan which included
system optimization, condition assessment, collaboration and facilitation with 10 local agencies
and master planning. He has completed and developed a comprehensive understanding of
more than 125 water resource and planning the local water supplies and demands.
projects and over 30 Master Plans throughout • Recharge Water Sediment Removal Feasibility Study,
California. Orange County Water District. Project Engineer.
Conducted a feasibility study and evaluated
alternatives to maximize groundwater recharge
within the Santa Ana River. Recommended results
served as the foundation of a capital improvement
Brian Villalobos, SAMPLE PROJECTS:
PG, CHG, CEG • Yucaipa Basin Safe Yield Determination, San
Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District. Project
Geohydrologist | Mr. Villalobos Manager. Led efforts to reevaluate sub-basin
has more than 28 years of boundaries and assess the safe yield and storage
experience in geohydrology
throughout Southern California. He specializes capacity of each sub-basin and developed the
watershed model of the Yucaipa Valley.
in groundwater sustainability, safe yield,
water budgets, and groundwater recharge. • Urban Water Management Plan, City of Banning.
He has studied and modeled groundwater Project Manager. Prepared the City’s 2010 Urban
basins across the State including the Yucaipa Water Management Plan which included the
and surrounding basins. He has experience assessment of local water sources and the evaluation
working with several GSA members, allowing of local water supplies and demands.
him to be familiar with the hydrogeologic • Recycled Water Use Evaluation, Yucaipa Valley
conceptual models and sustainability Water District. Project Manager. Developed a
strategies and studies that can be leveraged groundwater flow and solute transport model to
to develop comprehensive GSP components evaluate potential recycled water movement from
efficiently and cost-effectively. a local basin.
Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 22 of 208