Page 26 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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A-6  |  Groundwater Sustainability Plan for the Yucaipa Basin Area |  San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District

                         Nathan Reynolds,                                      SAMPLE PROJECTS:

                         PhD, PG                             • Bunker  Hill  Basin  Conjunctive  Use  Project,  San
                                                               Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District. Project
                         Geohydrologist |  Mr.  Reynolds       Geohydrologist.  Evaluated  extracting  well  and
                         has 13 years of  experience           spreading  ground  locations,  and  determined  well
                         completing        hydrogeologic       capacities and updated modeling assumptions.
          investigations,  groundwater  quality  studies,
          artificial  recharge  projects,  water  well  test   • Warm Springs Groundwater Basin Hydrogeologic
          drilling programs, and inspection for a variety      Study, Elsinore Valley  Municipal Water District.
          of drilling  projects.  He  also  develops  and      Project Geohydrologist. Develop HSPF model and
          maintains project data and data management           quantify basin storage capacity and safe yield.
          systems for large well, and groundwater study  • Salt  and Nutrient  Loading Model, Mojave Water
          projects. His experience will provide the GSA        Agency. Project Geohydrologist. Supported efforts
          members with a thorough and accurate data            to develop a salt and nutrient balance model.
          management system to track basin conditions
          and complete the GSP.

                                                                               SAMPLE PROJECTS:
                         Lauren Wicks, pg                    • Upper  Santa  Ana  River  Integrated  Model,  San
                                                               Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District. Project
                         Engineering Support |  Ms.            Geohydrologist.  Using  existing  groundwater  and
                         Wicks has experience with             surface water models to develop an integrated
                         groundwater and environmental         watershed model for the upper Santa Ana River.
          investigations  performed  for  numerous
          municipalities,  state  agencies,  and  private    • Joint Groundwater Model for the Rialto-Colton
          clients throughout California. She performs          Basin, San Bernardino Valley  Municipal Water
          groundwater  flow  and  transport  modeling,         District. Project Geohydrologist. Prepared a
          hydrogeologic  investigations,  groundwater          technical   memorandum        comparing     previous
          basin  and  water  quality  studies,  artificial     groundwater models of the Rialto-Colton area and
          recharge projects, and has experience in GIS         helped  with  subsequent  model  construction  and
          mapping, watershed management, database              calibration reports.
          development and management. She will  • Murrieta-Temecula Surface and Groundwater
          develop  accurate  and  complete  written            Model. Project Geohydrologist. Helped evaluate
          reports and documents, and perform quality           and  report  on  the  model  update  and  refinement
          reviews on data.                                     process.

                              Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 25 of 208
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