Page 31 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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A-11  |  Groundwater Sustainability Plan for the Yucaipa Basin Area |  San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District

          Usable Capacity & Safe Yield for the Yucaipa               Recycled Water Use Evaluation Using the
            Basin  |  San Bernardino Valley Municipal                Gateway Subbasin Focused Groundwater
                          Water District                                                         Model  |  Yucaipa Valley Water District

           Mr. Robert Tincher, PE, Manager of Engineering &                  Mr. Joseph Zoba, General Manager  |
           Planning  |  (909) 387-9215  |                (909) 797-5117  |

        Geoscience helped determine both the usable                Geoscience  evaluated  the  effect  of  recycled
        capacity and the maximum sustainable yield for             water recharge in the Wilson Creek Spreading
        a series of groundwater sub-basins within the              Basin located within the Gateway Subbasin.
        Yucaipa Basin area. The first stage of the project         Geoscience  developed  a  subbasin  focused
        included  background  research  data  collection           groundwater model to assess recycled water
        and review. Then a layered base map to visually            travel  times  the  nearest  production  well,  and
        display project results was developed. Once the            estimated the percentage of recycled water that
        base map was developed, previously delineated              would be produced by the wells. They developed
        subbasin boundaries were reevaluated in light              the  model  using  existing  data  collected  from
        of more recent geologic data.                              previous work in the basin. The model also
                                                                   assessed geologic conditions, and was used to
        After this step, the local geology and hydrology           evaluate multiple recharge scenarios.
        were  characterized  faults  and  their  impact
        on groundwater. The usable storage capacity                Staff  assigned:  Johnson  Yeh,  Brian  Villalobos,  Kapo
        of each newly-delineated subbasin was then                 Coulibaly, Leo Liu
        determined and sustainable yields were
        calculated for each subbasin using a water                              Relevance to Project:
        balance technique. At the conclusion of
        the project, Geoscience prepared a report                  • Study was conducted within the Yucaipa
        containing the project’s results, which was                 Groundwater Basin
        presented to basin stakeholders during project             • Leveraged  existing  data  collected  from
        meetings.                                                   previous  work to  develop the model  using

        Staff  assigned:  Johnson  Yeh,  Brian  Villalobos,  Kapo   MODFLOW
        Coulibaly, Leo Liu                                         • Conducted a hydrogeological characterization

                        Relevance to Project:

        • Ability  to  utilize  existing  data  to  expedite  and
          streamline the development of the GSP and reduce
          cost and schedule

        • Completed the Sustainable Yield and Water Budget
          which are the same components required in a GSP

        • Completed      the     Yucaipa     Basin    geologic
          characterization and can utilize that information
                              Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 30 of 208
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