Page 80 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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1. Project Understanding

            Groundwater from the Yucaipa Sub-basin, a           Recent Relevant Experience
            part of the Upper Santa Ana Valley Groundwater
            Basin (DWR basin number 8-2.07), is utilized by     with GSP Development
            the South Mesa Water Company, Western
            Heights Water Company, and the YVWD to meet         Dudek offers the full range of groundwater
            most of the water demands of their respective       expertise to develop a GSP for the GSA. This
            customers. The DWR has designated the Basin         expertise includes extensive water policy and
            a high-priority basin based on population size      planning, numerical modeling, hydrologic and
            and growth, reliance on groundwater for public      geologic analysis, financial cost recovery, and
            water supply, and long-term declines in             local and stakeholder engagement. Additionally,
            groundwater levels (i.e., reduction in storage).
                                                                as the only team to have produced preliminary
            Valley District, Western Heights Water              draft GSPs for public review, we bring a
            Company, and YVWD began discussions in              perspective that has been shaped by lessons
            2011 to develop a groundwater management            learned in other basins.
            plan. The City of Redlands, San Gorgonio Pass
            Water Agency, South Mesa Water Company,             Lessons Learned
            and City of Yucaipa later joined the GMP group
            and initiated investigations to estimate the safe   Communication is Critical
            yield and available storage capacity of the basin
            and to evaluate potential sites for enhanced        The single most important factor in determining
            groundwater recharge.                               the success of a GSP is communication. This
                                                                includes communication between the
            In 2017, following the passage of SGMA in           consultant and the GSA, the GSA and
            2014, Valley District, YVWD, and the other          stakeholders, and the member agencies of the
            entities formed the Yucaipa GSA. The GSA must       GSA. When open lines of communication are
            submit a GSP for the sub-basin to DWR by            maintained, the project remains on schedule
            January 31, 2022.
                                                                and stakeholder feedback is incorporated into
            The goal of this project is to develop a            the development of the sustainable
            comprehensive GSP using the best available          management criteria, which is vital to obtaining
            data that is also adaptive and provides             approval from DWR.
            operational flexibility to sustainably manage the
            groundwater resources of the Basin. The GSP         Uncertainty is Expected
            will incorporate the extensive work already
            conducted, including the recent Valley District     In order to be successful, a GSP must
            investigation of the storage capacity and           acknowledge and embrace uncertainty. Initially,
            evaluation of potential sites for artificial        this takes the form of a data gap assessment,
            recharge. Artificial recharge projects will be      which will guide the understanding of the
            evaluated along with other potential projects in    context for the numerical groundwater model
            the GSP as part of determining the long-term        results, and eventually quantify the confidence
            future sustainable yield of the Basin.              intervals that will be assigned to the
                                                                sustainable yield. By acknowledging
                                                                uncertainty, the GSA will be able to adopt an
                                                                adaptive management strategy for the Basin

            Develop Groundwater Sustainability Plan for the Yucaipa Basin Area                            Page 1
                              Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 79 of 208
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