Page 82 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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2. Project Approach
Dudek’s approach to assisting the GSA in directly with the model in developing the GSP
developing a SGMA-compliant GSP submittal by while seeking input and support from USGS.
the January 22, 2019 deadline is outlined
following in accordance with the Scope Tasks Task 2. Current and Historical
identified in the RFP. Dudek recommends,
however, that the GSA use the “DWR Guidance Groundwater Conditions
Document for the Groundwater Sustainability Dudek will work with the GSA member agencies
Plan (GSP) Annotated Outline” to structure the and USGS to collect all available historical and
Yucaipa GSP. Therefore, the following current data derived from previous
descriptions include the chapter name in the hydrogeological investigations and the
RFP and subsection name that corresponds to development of the USGS numerical model.
the DWR guidance. Dudek, after consulting with the GSA member
agencies, will compile a list identifying all data
Task 1. USGS Groundwater Model resources and make one request to obtain the
data. The goal is to collect all data up front so
The USGS is currently developing a we can effectively evaluate current and
hydrogeological numerical model of the Basin historical conditions in the early stages of GSP
using the USGS code GSFLOW. GSFLOW development. The data will be used to prepare
includes two integrated model components to the “Current and Historical Groundwater
simulate (1) watershed contributions to Conditions section of the “Plan Area and Basin
recharge using the Precipitation Runoff Setting” chapter of the GSP.
Modeling System and (2) groundwater flow
using MODFLOW-2005. USGS is in the process The data will be compiled, sorted, and
of integrating the watershed model to simulate catalogued with a reference summary and
recharge to the groundwater basin. The next table of contents. The catalogue will be
tasks for USGS are to calibrate the full structured such that additional data can be
hydrogeological model and conduct water easily added to it for ease of future data
availability analyses. management and use.
Dudek will work collaboratively with USGS to Dudek will review the existing data to assess
use the model to identify data gaps, assess the conformance with the pertinent sections of the
uncertainty in estimates of storage, and California Water Code and DWR’s Emergency
evaluate sustainability indicators required Regulations. The data will be evaluated to
under SGMA. The model will also be used to identify data gaps, both spatially and
evaluate future impacts resulting from potential temporally, that will need to be addressed to
projects in the Basin and climate change. The enhance our understanding of Basin conditions
USGS will prepare a report providing supporting and comply with the requirements of the GSP.
documentation for the modeling, and this report The data will be assessed for applicability
will be included as an appendix to the GSP. toward the six SGMA sustainability indicators,
Dudek anticipates receiving the model input including the data evaluation considerations
files and supporting documentation from USGS. described in detail following.
It will be more efficient for Dudek to work
Develop Groundwater Sustainability Plan for the Yucaipa Basin Area Page 3
Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 81 of 208