Page 87 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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Task 12. Draft and Final GSP Task 14. Grant Administration
Working closely with the GSA and TAC, Dudek Administration of the DWR Grant includes
will prepare one (1) administrative draft of the completion of the following specific tasks
GSP for review and comment by the GSA and and deliverables:
stakeholders. The GSP components will be
based on the findings of the tasks previously Quarterly Progress Reports. Quarterly progress
described and as required by the DWR reports provide the GSA and DWR with an
Emergency Regulations, DWR Preparation opportunity to document success, identify
Checklist for GSP Submittal – GSP Annotated potential problems, find solutions, and
Outline, SGMA statutes, and elements benchmark progress to project goals. Quarterly
developed and tested in other GSPs being reports will be substantive, yet concise, and
developed by Dudek. may be used as metrics for the overall grant.
Dudek will communicate with Valley District to
The evaluation criteria specified in the GSP establish a system for invoice submittal so that
Emergency Regulations will be considered timely and complete quarterly invoices are
throughout the GSP preparation process, rather submitted to DWR. All progress reports will be
than only at completion. Another key factor for clearly linked to the invoices and will verify that
efficient review and approval of the draft GSP is the work that is being billed has been
clear and meaningful communication between accomplished during the identified time period.
Dudek and DWR. Dudek will work closely with
DWR during the interim review process and Cost Information. DWR is specific in the intent
increase communication frequency, as needed, and requirements associated with the
by leveraging existing relationships with DWR presentation of grant-related cost information.
that have been developed during development Dudek will conform to all the grant agreement
of the other GSPs. requirements. All costs associated with the
grant and each individual task will be
Dudek anticipates receiving all comments from recorded, compiled, and collated by Dudek to
the GSA and stakeholders prior to finalizing a conform to the DWR template and invoicing
draft GSP. Dudek will participate in one public materials provided. Dudek will conduct quality
hearing on the draft GSP. Dudek is accustomed assurance/quality control for each individual
to receiving and responding to public comments, invoice to verify that all cost reimbursement
and will bring the GSA an effective balance of requests are defensible and eligible. Once the
technical expertise and public relations draft invoices have been completed and
experience. Comments will be compiled and an vetted for eligibility. Dudek will submit the
initial draft of responses to comments will be package to Valley District for their final
prepared for discussion with the GSA. Upon review, approval, and signature and,
approval of the responses by the GSA, the ultimately, to DWR for reimbursement.
comments will be addressed in a final GSP.
Schedule Information. The schedule is of critical
Task 13. GSP Submittal to DWR for importance to both the project proponents and
DWR. Maintaining and adhering to an agreed-
Review and Approval upon schedule is important for budget tracking
purposes and as a metric of progress achieved.
Dudek, in coordination with the GSA, will submit Dudek will communicate with Valley District to
the final GSP to DWR for review and approval. verify that the project is adhering to the
Dudek will document when copies of DWR’s schedule, and if it is not, Dudek will discuss
letter confirming receipt of the GSP and options to communicate with DWR. As
approval letter are received. appropriate, the progress reporting will reflect
Develop Groundwater Sustainability Plan for the Yucaipa Basin Area Page 8
Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 86 of 208