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the minimum threshold determination. In gathered from stakeholders to craft a mission
addition, Dudek will work collaboratively with statement that summarizes the purpose for
the GSA member agencies and stakeholders to sustainably managing groundwater resources
incorporate both agency needs and stakeholder and reflects the local economic, social and
feedback into the final minimum thresholds. environmental values in the Basin.
Measurable Objectives Once the GSA member agencies have reached
Just as the minimum thresholds are the consensus on the Basin’s goals and objectives,
quantitative measure of undesirable results, Dudek will draft the “Undesirable Results,
measurable objectives are the quantitative Minimum Thresholds, and Measureable
measure of the sustainability goal. They are set Objectives” sections of the “Sustainable
at individual representative monitoring sites Management Criteria” chapter of the GSP.
that are, preferably, the same as those selected Task 7. Identify Projects and
for the minimum thresholds. If conditions at the
monitoring sites meet or exceed the Management Actions to Achieve
measurable objectives, the Basin is at the
desired groundwater condition. Sustainability Goal
The background technical studies, Potential projects and management actions
documentation of the current and historical previously evaluated or undertaken by
conditions in the Basin, and results of the stakeholders in the Basin include, but are not
hydrogeologic numerical flow model will be limited to, stormwater capture and infiltration,
used to establish the measureable objectives recycled water use, and increasing artificial
for the Basin. Additionally, the same data and recharge with additional spreading basins.
analyses will be used to determine the interim These prospective projects and additional
milestones for any sustainability indicator that potential projects selected by the GSA will be
does not currently meet the measurable evaluated to assess the relationship between
objective. These interim milestones, which will costs and benefits for each proposed
be established at 5-year increments, will be project/management action to determine its
used to evaluate whether progress is being feasibility and impact on sustainability
made toward sustainability during the 20-year indicators. Additionally, each project or
implementation period. management action will also be screened for
potential to contribute to undesirable results.
Sustainability Goal
The GSA must adopt a non-quantitative The initial step in the process is to compile a list
sustainability goal, or goals, that set the of projects or management actions that are in
framework for determining what is significant process, historically considered, or new projects
and unreasonable for each sustainability yet to be considered. The preliminary list will be
indicator. Because these goals are primarily presented to the GSA for consideration, and
policy statements that communicate the GSA’s additional projects may be added, as
vision for sustainable management of the Basin appropriate. Several prospective projects may
to Basin stakeholders and DWR, they will be be known to be infeasible or ineffective;
developed toward the end of the GSP however, the projects will be carried through
development process, after the undesirable the study to present a complete administrative
results and minimum thresholds have been record for what projects were considered.
defined. In order to draft the goal description, The initial list will be screened to identify key
Dudek will use both the technical information prospective projects and management actions
gathered to define the quantitative that have been determined to warrant further
sustainability criteria and the information evaluation. Performance criteria considerations
Develop Groundwater Sustainability Plan for the Yucaipa Basin Area Page 6
Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 84 of 208