Page 84 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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The DWR guidance on incorporating climate           Task 6. Define Undesirable
            change into the assessment of sustainability is
            currently limited and the data sets to be used      Results, Minimum Thresholds,
            for these analyses were not developed               Measureable Objectives
            specifically to address the 50-year planning
            horizon analyzed in the GSP. The DWR data           Development of the sustainable management
            sets cover a longer time horizon than will be       criteria lies at the heart of the GSP. These
            simulated for the Basin sustainability analysis,    criteria are what provide the GSA with the
            leaving the GSA to consider which 50-year           operational flexibility to maximize the use of
            period(s) to simulate as part of the plan. One      groundwater in the Basin while simultaneously
            way to address uncertainty in future climate        avoiding undesirable results.
            conditions is to simulate the future conditions
            using a dry, average, and wet 50-year period        Undesirable Results
            from the data provided by DWR.                      The GSA must define undesirable results in the
                                                                Basin by determining what condition(s) in the
            Another way to assess uncertainty is to produce
            a range of synthetic future climate data, based     Basin would be significant and unreasonable
            on the historical distribution of precipitation and   for each sustainability indicator. This
            the gridded change factors provided by DWR.         determination is based on an analysis of how
            Dudek will work collaboratively with the GSA to     the minimum thresholds may affect the
            establish technically sound and locally specific    interests of beneficial uses and users of
            future conditions to simulate in the Basin.         groundwater, or land use and property
                                                                interests. Because both beneficial uses and
            Results of the numerical model in simulating        users of groundwater are considered when
            the baseline water budget and future budgets        defining undesirable results, the determination
            influenced by planned projects and climate          of undesirable results must incorporate
            change will be documented in the “Water             stakeholder feedback. Dudek, with input from
            Budget and Sustainable Yield” section of the        the TAC, will provide the analysis of the
            ”Basin Setting” chapter. This chapter will be       technical information to support the decision-
            developed with input from Valley District, USGS,    making process, and will work collaboratively
            and the TAC.                                        with the GSA and stakeholders to facilitate the
                                                                development of undesirable results.
            Task 5. Define Management Areas
                                                                Minimum Thresholds
            Dudek will work with the GSA, TAC, and USGS to      The minimum thresholds are the quantitative
            identify and define management areas within         measure of undesirable results and are set at
            the Basin. The management areas will be             individual monitoring sites. These thresholds
            based on hydrogeologic data (e.g., faulting that    will be established, based on an analysis of how
            created hydraulic barriers to groundwater flow)     they would impact beneficial uses and users of
            and/or jurisdictional boundaries to facilitate      groundwater in the Basin and the determination
            more effective management of water resources.       of undesirable results for each sustainability
            Dudek will prepare the “Management Areas”           indicator. This process will be iterative, as
            section of the “Basin Setting” chapter of the       minimum thresholds and undesirable results
            GSP. This section will provide the justification    are linked together under SGMA. As with the
            for each management area selected and               definition of the undesirable results, Dudek will
            explain how the management of separate areas        conduct the technical analysis to support
            within the Basin will not cause undesirable         setting the minimum thresholds. This is
            results in other areas of the Basin.                anticipated to be an iterative process, with the
                                                                results of the predictive simulations informing

            Develop Groundwater Sustainability Plan for the Yucaipa Basin Area                            Page 5
                              Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 83 of 208
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