Page 86 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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will include estimated costs, anticipated impact    groundwater quality trends, combined with an
            to sustainability indicators, and overall           understanding of concurrent production rates,
            implementability. The distilled list of projects    will provide insight into the interaction between
            and management actions will be further              groundwater quality, groundwater production,
            evaluated and ranked from most to least             and recharge.
            feasible. The USGS numerical model will be
            used to evaluate these projects and/or actions      The existing monitoring network will be
            in achieving sustainability. The findings of the    evaluated in its ability to monitor each of the
            evaluation will be incorporated into the GSP as     applicable SGMA sustainability indicators. The
            the basis for the “Projects and Management          existing data and groundwater monitoring
            Actions to Achieve Sustainability Goal” chapter.    programs will be evaluated, and SGMA-
                                                                compliant monitoring will be developed to fill in
                                                                data gaps identified during existing data
            Task 8. Infiltration Testing
                                                                assessment and conform to DWR’s Best
            Dudek understands that an Infiltration Test         Management Practices (BMPs). Dudek will
            Work Plan was developed in 2017 based on the        develop the “Existing and Planned Monitoring”
            findings from 10 borings drilled by Geoscience      section of the “Sustainable Management
            in 2014 and historical performance at the           Criteria” chapter of the GSP, which will describe
            existing Wilson Creek, Oak Glen Creek, and          the existing monitoring network and protocols
            Wildwood Creek basins. Short-term infiltration      and identify any modifications that may be
            tests are planned for 2018 to evaluate and          implemented to enhance the assessment of
            rank potential sites to augment artificial          achieving the sustainability goals.
            recharge. Dudek will incorporate the findings
            from the infiltration tests with the evaluations of  Task 11. Develop Framework for

            proposed projects and management actions            Data Management System
            addressed in Task 7.
                                                                The Basin GSA requires an enhanced system
            Task 9. Define Plan                                 for managing existing data, future pumping,

            Implementation Actions                              groundwater level and water quality records,
                                                                and supporting SGMA-related analyses and
            Dudek, working collaboratively with the GSA,        outreach activities. A data management system
            will develop a schedule for implementing the        is critical to the preparation of SGMA-compliant
            GSP and develop a monitoring and reporting          annual reports for DWR. Dudek has extensive
            program to assess and document progress in          experience with various levels of data
            achieving sustainability. A cost estimate for       management and can provide a robust Web-
            implementing the program, along with annual         based data management platform and
            budgets, will be developed and presented to         interactive mapping application for the GSA to
            the GSA.                                            use during the SGMA process and in the future.
                                                                Dudek is currently developing a data
            Task 10. Describe Existing and                      management system for YVWD that will compile
                                                                all information and data related to their water
            Planned Monitoring Network                          resources and infrastructure.

            Fundamental groundwater monitoring data are
            necessary to understand how pumping affects
            groundwater elevations and quality, and
            ultimately are required to support development
            of a GSP that addresses the applicable SGMA
            sustainability indicators. Analysis of historical

            Develop Groundwater Sustainability Plan for the Yucaipa Basin Area                            Page 7
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