Page 88 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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schedule change requests and approved               presentations that balance technical data with
            schedule changes and/or official amendments.        conclusions delivered in relatable lay-person
                                                                terms. Additionally, having the pertinent
            Project Completion Report. The project              technical lead for each respective topic present
            completion report will be prepared in               the information results in better informed
            accordance with DWR specifications, which           stakeholders and more meaningful discussion.
            stipulate that the Grantee shall prepare and        Throughout the process, Dudek is mindful of
            submit to DWR a separate project completion         the significance of the administrative record.
            report for each project. The project completion
            report is to be submitted within 90 calendar        Dudek will work with the GSA to update the
            days of project completion.                         interested parties list that was developed during
                                                                the initial efforts of forming the GSA. Dudek will
            Task 15. Establish Governance                       also develop an Outreach Plan that identifies the
                                                                processes of communicating with and engaging
            of GSA                                              all stakeholders, including disadvantaged
            Dudek will prepare the “Governance” chapter of      community groups. Dudek will develop a website
            the GSP by documenting the formation of the GSA     portal providing access to the GSP development
            in May 2017, the responsibilities of each member    process to the general public.
            agency with management and voting protocols         Task 17. Technical
            defined, the establishment of the GSA by-laws,
            and a description of the process of sharing         Advisory Committee
            information with the San Bernardino Area.
                                                                Dudek will coordinate the TAC formation with
            Task 16. Develop and Implement                      the GSA and facilitate thirteen (13) meetings
                                                                throughout the GSP development process from
            Coordinated Outreach Plan
                                                                the project kickoff meeting to the draft GSP.
            The spirit of SGMA is to develop local solutions    Dudek personnel will participate in each
            for local groundwater problems. As such,            meeting and provide meeting minutes
            stakeholder engagement is a critical factor for     identifying the participants and summarizing
            the successful development and                      topics discussed.
            implementation of the GSP. During Dudek’s           Dudek also anticipates participating in weekly
            implementation of the SGMA process in other         one-hour conference calls with the GSA
            basins, we have observed a variety of               member agencies and TAC regarding progress
            stakeholders, each with differing levels of         in completing the various tasks and other
            concern for differing components of the GSP.        issues related to developing the GSP. Dudek
            We have found that the most effective               also anticipates participating in eight (8) Valley
            approach to addressing stakeholders’ concerns       District Board meetings to apprise the Board of
            is to be prepared to present clear, tactful         the status of the GSP.

            Develop Groundwater Sustainability Plan for the Yucaipa Basin Area                            Page 9
                              Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 87 of 208
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