Page 64 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 64

Infiltration Test Results

        A                                         B


                                                          A. YVWD fire hydrant setup
                                                          B. 4" fire hose along east side of 2nd St
                                                          C. Post-excavation / fencing
                                                          D. Test in progress (Day 1)
        C C                                       D       E. Test in progress (Day 4)

                    DRY SOIL (SILT)
                10-12 FEET BELOW
                CHANNEL BOTTOM

                       - Results of infiltration testing confirm/indicate that the site is favorable for recharge.
                       - Full-scale basin initial infiltration rates (based on 50% of measured field-scale testing infiltration
                       rates) are estimated at 26.0 feet/day. Long-term infiltration rates (based on 50% of full-scale basin
 Test Start  Aug-27-2018  initial infiltration rates) are estimated at 13.0 feet/day.
 Test End  Sep-10-2018  ยด  - While long-term estimates consider expected clogging of the basin bottom from SWP water,
                       actual long-term rates will be dependent on the specific site recharge goal and implementation
 Basin Dimensions (L x W) (ft)  45 x 20  0  400 Feet  of a basin maintenance plan.
 Average Water Height (ft)  2.0  - High infiltration rates are representative of almost exclusively coarse-grained deposits (sand/gravel)
 Infiltrating Area Basin Bottom (ft )  960  identified during excavating and in EX-3.
                       - High rates may also be partly attributable to the proximity of the test basin to a large-diameter
 Infiltrating Area Basin Bottom + Walls (ft )  1,270  Chicken Hill Fault  conveyance pipe along the east side of 2nd St, presumably set in a gravel-filled trench.
 Total Water Added (gallons)  3,426,110
 Total Water Added (acre-feet)  10.5  X Y  - Depending on the size of the full-scale basin, pilot-scale infiltration testing is recommended
  High (ft/d)  59.18  " )  to confirm full-scale initial infiltration rates and to identify potential site vadose zone storage
 Infiltration Rate                Boring EX-3
 Low (ft/d)  44.8      capacity constraints due to recharge mounding. Installation of a monitoring well adjacent to
 (Constant-Head)   Wilson Creek III  the site is recommended to confirm the arrival and mounding effect of recharge water during
 Average (ft/d)  52.0  Test Site  pilot testing and to track future groundwater level changes.
 Infiltration Rate                    High (ft/d)
 N/A; too fast  YVWD
 (Falling-Head)   Low (ft/d)                                                                     Figure 9
 Full-Scale Basin Est. Initial Infiltration Rate (ft/d)  26.0  YVWD                               Wilson
 Production Well
 Full-Scale Basin Est. Long-Term Infiltration Rate (ft/d)  13.0                                  Creek III

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