Page 10 - Beaumont Basin Watermaster
P. 10


                                          MEMORANDUM NO. 18-23

               Date:                    December 5, 2018

               From:                    Hannibal Blandon, ALDA Inc.

               Subject:                 Status  Report  on  Water  Level  Monitoring  throughout  the
                                        Beaumont Basin through November 15, 2018

               Recommendation:          No recommendation.

               At the present time, there are 14 monitoring wells collecting water level information on an
               hourly  basis  at  various  locations  throughout  the  basin.    In  addition,  there  are  two
               monitoring  probes  collecting  barometric  pressures  at  opposite  ends  of  the  Beaumont
               Basin.  The location of active monitoring wells is depicted in the attached Figure No. 1.

               Water levels at selected locations are depicted in Figures 2 through 6 and are described
               as follows:

                   ✓  Figure No. 2 – Water levels at YVWD Well No. 34 and Oak Valley Well No. 5 are
                       considered representative of basin conditions in the Northwest portion of the basin.
                       Water levels at YVWD No. 34 were not recorded between July 2017 and July 2018
                       due to several reasons including faulty equipment and repeated vandalism.   Over
                       the last four months a new probe was installed and the security at this location was
                       enhanced. Since July 2017 the water level at this well declined by five feet to 2,141
                       ft in elevation.

                   ✓  At Oak Valley No. 5 the water level declined by seven feet since March 2018 and
                       it is currently at an elevation of 2,129 ft.  This elevation is just two feet lower than
                       when we started recording water levels in August 2015.  Communications cable is
                       not working and needs to be replaced.

                   ✓  Figure No. 3 – Two of the Noble Creek observation wells are presented in this
                       figure representing the shallow and deep aquifers.  In the shallow aquifer, the water
                       level has increased close to 85 feet over the last 18 months from a low of 2,337 ft.
                       to 2,421 ft., recorded in mid-November 2018.  Levels in the deep aquifer have risen
                       recently to their highest elevation (2,276 ft) since the summer of 2015.

                   ✓  Figure No. 4 – Southern Portion of the Basin.  Water level at the Summit Cemetery
                       well  is  highly  influenced  by  a  nearby  pumping  well  that  is  used  to  irrigate  the
                       cemetery grounds.  The water level at this well continues to fluctuate over a 20-
                       foot  band.    Conversely,  the  water  level  at  the  Sun  Lakes  well  has  fluctuated
                       minimally over the same period as it decreased three feet over the last three years.
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