Page 7 - Beaumont Basin Watermaster
P. 7

Recommendation:  That  the  Watermaster  Committee  approve
                                     Task Order No. 17 as a Special Project Expense for a sum not to
                                     exceed  $40,140  and  direct  the  Treasurer  to  invoice  specific
                                     Appropriators based on anticipated benefit.

                              Mr. Thomas Harder reported that Task 1 has been completed – contact
                              was made with the BCVWD, City of Banning, and YVWD; all are sending
                              information on water deliveries. Water deliveries will need to be tied to
                              APNs. It will be helpful to understand the size of the parcels in order to
                              understand the amount of water delivered according to size.

                              Task  2,  he  continued,  is  to  apply  methodologies  to  the  most  recent
                              calendar year. Task 3 is to reevaluate return flow, and Task 4 will be to
                              compose the tech memo.
                              Member Jorritsma indicated that South Mesa should not be funding any
                              part of Task Order 17. Member Warinski said he does not see the benefit
                              for the City of Beaumont and suggested the three water agencies pay
                              for the work. Member Zoba suggested the concept of return flow would
                              change over time, and there should be a proportional share of those
                              benefitting. Members Vela and Jaggers suggested there is indeed benefit
                              to the City of Beaumont.
                              After  discussion,  it  was  moved  by  Member  Zoba  and  seconded  by
                              Member  Jaggers  to  proceed  with  Task  Order  17  and  split  the  cost
                              between BCVWD, YVWD, and the City of Banning.

                               AYES:                  Jaggers, Warinski, Jorritsma, Vela, Zoba
                               NOES:                  None.
                               ABSTAIN:               None.
                               ABSENT:                None.
                               STATUS:                Motion Approved

                          E.  Discussion Regarding the Perfection of Appropriative Rights Following
                              the Conversion of Overlying Water Rights to Appropriative Rights.

                              Counsel  Montoya  advised  that  this  memo  supersedes  the  previous
                              memo and summarized the content.

                              Mr.  Jaggers  commented  that  this  is  a  complex  issue  affected  by
                              legislation in California. He voiced concern that if not all of transferred
                              right is used and there is a significant amount left over, it will affect the
                              agencies over time.

                              Chairman  Vela  asked  for  clarification  on  use  of  water  on  overlying
                              property; if transferred water may be used outside the property from
                              which it comes. Counsel Montoya indicated that judgement and case

               BEAUMONT BASIN WATERMASTER – COMMITTEE MINUTES 2018-10-03                          PAGE 4 OF 5
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