Page 8 - Beaumont Basin Watermaster
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law grants the appropriator latitude, and said he agrees with Member
                              Jaggers  and  said  there  is  need  to  set  a  clear  plan.  Zoba  suggested
                              reviewing the transfer steps at the December meeting.

                 IX.  Topics for Future Meetings

                            A.  Development of a methodology and policy to account for new yield
                                from capturing local stormwater in the basin

                            B.  Development of a methodology and policy to account for groundwater
                                storage losses in the basin resulting from the spreading of additional
                                water sources
                            C.  Development  of  a  methodology  and  policy  to  account  for  recycled
                                water recharge
                            D.  Develop a protocol to increase the accuracy and consistency of data
                                reported to the Watermaster

                            E.  Develop a policy to account for transfers of water that may result when
                                an Appropriator provides water service to an Overlying Party

                            F.  Discussion of Overlier return flow credit and how it might be managed

                  X.  Comments from the Watermaster Committee Members

                       Chair Vela reiterated the storage loss methodology. Mr. Harder assured the
                       tech memo would be finalized and distributed to the Committee this week.

                       Mr. Warinski announced that Mr. Jakher is no longer working for the City of
                       Beaumont, so a new primary member will need to be appointed.

                 XI.  Announcements

                       A.     The  next  regular  meeting  of  the  Beaumont  Basin  Watermaster  is
                              scheduled for Wednesday, December 5, 2018 at 10:00 a.m.

                XII.  Adjournment

                       Chairman Vela adjourned the meeting at 10:54 a.m.


                              DRAFT UNTIL APPROVED
                       Daniel Jaggers, Secretary
                       Beaumont Basin Watermaster

               BEAUMONT BASIN WATERMASTER – COMMITTEE MINUTES 2018-10-03                          PAGE 5 OF 5
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