Page 219 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
P. 219
Project Understanding
Percolation testing is anticipated to last 14 days at each
The Yucaipa Groundwater subbasin is located in the test site, not including site preparation and restoration.
southeastern portion of San Bernardino Valley and covers However, actual test time should be based on the
approximately 39 square miles in and around the City of progression of test data. All equipment onsite will be
Yucaipa. According to past studies and the most recent automated wherever possible and monitored periodically.
published Department of Water Resources Bulletin 118, the Additionally, traffic control, security fencing, and signage
Yucaipa subbasin has experienced historic overdraft. Valley will be required for public safety and to prevent vandalism.
District, Yucaipa Valley Municipal Water District (Yucaipa
District), City of Yucaipa, San Bernardino County Flood Once the data is collected and compiled, our team
Control District (SBCFCD), South Mesa Water Company will begin the analysis and prepare a final report with
and Western Heights Water Company are cooperating recommendations.
to increase groundwater supplies and reduce reliance
on imported water. To do that, the partner agencies Why GEOSCIENCE?
are assessing methods to use captured storm water
and recycled water to recharge groundwater supplies Experience working with SBVMWD
via surface spreading basins at locations determined as and project stakeholders—
potential recharge sites. Understand needs and require-
The current project is a necessary first-step to determine ments to efficiently complete the
the size and location of the recharge facilities. The primary project
goal of the current RFP is to provide an accurate range of Our team completed the
the saturated hydrologic conductivity through percolation sustainable yield calculation for the
testing at each site, which will then be used to model the
full-scale percolation capacity. A total of 13 sites have basin and the basin model—Our
been previously identified to conduct percolation testing. familiarity with the basin
The sites are located primarily on land owned by SBCFCD hydrogeology will help provide
(seven sites), with additional sites located on land owned accurate data to make future
by the City of Yucaipa (three sites), South Mesa (Mesa) decisions
Water Company (one site), and private property (two
sites). Sites that are located in stream channels will require Groundwater Consulting Focus—
permitting from SBCFCD, California Department Fish and
Wildlife, US Army Corps of Engineers, and the Regional At GEOSCIENCE, we do one thing,
Water Quality Control Board. It is our understanding that groundwater resource consulting.
permit applications are not a part of the scope of this Our in-depth focus will help provide
RFP, however, if selected we will need to be aware of, and detailed analyses that reflect basin
comply with permit requirements including BMPs for runoff conditions
and other regulations.
Yucaipa Groundwater Sustainability Agency - March 14, 2018 - Page 193 of 226 1