Page 223 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
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arrangement including the proposed basin, proposed soil Task 2.0 Infiltration Testing at
stockpile locations, piping, traffic control, and site safety
features in plan form. The draft work plan will contain site 13 Sites
specific BMPs for soil excavation, stockpiling, and protection
of channels, and any facilities at each site. The work plan 2.1 Fabrication of Needed Equipment
will be submitted for initial review to the project team.
Once our work plan has been finalized, our subcontractors
1.4 Progress Meeting and Finalization of will begin planning for field work by finalizing site access
and water source locations with Valley District staff and
Work Plan other affected parties. Other Equipment Subcontractors
After receipt of work plan comments, we recommend (Intuitech Inc. and Southland Water Technologies LLC)
a progress meeting to discuss comments and/or other will begin fabricating the needed instrumentation and
site considerations presented by the project team before inlet facilities needed for excavated pit testing. If the,
finalizing the draft work plan. The final draft work plan will containerized infiltration basin option is chosen, then
be submitted to SBCFCD for their review, comment, and fabrication would also include converting the containers
approval followed by the final work plan which will address and installing piping and instrumentation within the
and incorporate any comments provided by SBCFCD. The container. We will coordinate with the contractor and
final work plan will be submitted to the project team and oversee these activities.
SBCFCD as a part of the permitting process.
2.2 Conduct Infiltration Testing and
1.5 Project Management and Permit 13 Sites
Support IO Environmental will begin by mobilizing all equipment
Project Management tasks will include four face-to-face to the site. For alternative A using excavated pits per your
meetings(1 site visit/kick-off meeting, 2 draft workplan RFP, We will begin digging 30-foot by 30-foot test basins
progress meeting, and 1 pre-construction meetings with with a 1:1 sloped wall where possible. If site conditions do
Valley District, SBCFCD, and the subcontractor, and 1 not permit, a smaller test basin will be constructed per the
meeting to present the final results of the testing after work plan.
submission of the draft summary report).
For our proposed alternative B, containerized infiltrometers
The kick-off meeting will be combined with site visits to will be set at the site using either a crane or forklift
review logistical issues for the testing, establish chain depending on conditions. Excavation is minimal for this
of command for site reporting, have initial discussion alternative and there is no anticipated soil storage.
on proposed site lay-outs for the testing, and discuss
any opportunities for coordination with local staff from For alternative A, excavated material will be stored at
participating agencies for field monitoring activities. The each site according to the site plan and using the BMP
purpose and content of the draft work plan meeting is requirements for each site. Excavated soils may be
discussed above. Finally, after submission of the draft temporarily stored adjacent to test basin on channel
report summarizing the project findings, we will present banks. Where possible and allowed, we will use excavated
the findings to the project team and discuss any comments materials to create a shallow berm around the test basin.
prior to preparing a final report. We will then set up water conveyance, flow control system,
backflow prevent, solar generator, and basin source water
Also, draft results from infiltration testing at each basin manifold. If onsite water is unavailable, we will set up a
will be provided to the project team followed by a water tank and pump.
teleconference to discuss the results and any issues that
may have arisen during the testing period at each basin. Once the basin is constructed, the subcontractor will
Due to the many sites and generally open access to sites, conduct an initial test of the installation to verify that
any unforeseen issues or interferences at the test sites instruments are operating properly and the water
will be immediately reported to project manager with a conveyance system is sound. Once pre-startup tests are
summary correspondence sent to the project team for complete, and the system is recording data, testing will
action as appropriate. begin by filling the basin at an initially high rate.
When testing is completed, IO Environmental staff will
Task 1.0 Deliverables demobilize equipment once the basins have completely
drained and to return the site to pre-test conditions. IO will
We understand that the Task 1 deliverables will include the then transport equipment to the next location.
Because the site will be largely unattended, site safety
• P&ID of water conveyance, instrumentation and control and security will be a concern. We will install site fencing
• Draft (100%) and Final Pilot Recharge Test and and signage to deter vandalism and theft. Additionally, the
Monitoring Plan Final Plan that includes detailed site control system will be automated and monitored remotely.
plans and BMPs for each site. Alarm triggers will be set on either low line pressure or high
• Electronic Files to be provided in required format at the water level in the basin and the system will notify us so we
completion of the task. 1.1 can respond as necessary.
Yucaipa Groundwater Sustainability Agency - March 14, 2018 - Page 197 of 226 5