Page 246 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
P. 246

Logan Wicks, MS, GIT
                           Field Data Collection

                                                               Imperial Irrigation District: Monitoring Wells 1 & 2
                                                               Logan provided onsite well construction inspections and
                           Years of Experience: 8              data analysis. He helped develop the final well design,
                                                               pump design and water quality analysis.
                         Years with GEOSCIENCE: 3
                                                               Orange County Water District: Los Alamitos Barrier
               Education:                                      Improvement Project
               BS, Geology,  Cal Poly Pomona                   Logan was part of a team of hydrogeologists responsible
                                                               for full time inspection of conductor borehole drilling,
               BS, Biology, Cal Poly Pomona                    conductor casing install, pilot borehole drilling, geophysical
                                                               logging, and casing install of Injection wells and Monitoring
               MS Geology, Cal Poly Pomona                     wells. 17 Injection wells, 4 clustered Monitoring wells
                                                               and 2 Piezometers make up the project. Responsible for
               Status:                                         contacting OCWD, Jensen Drilling and Mahaffey while
               Full-time employee                              drilling.
                                                               West Valley Water District: Quarterly Depth Specific

                                                               Logan procured and developed depth specific Snap
                What Logan brings to the project...            Samplers in three (3) WVWD Wells. He then provided on
                                                               site supervision for depth specific sampling and water
          •  Experience and familiarity with groundwater       quality analysis.
              studies and field data collection—help provide
              more accurate and thorough models and studies    City of South Pasadena: Rehabilitation of Wilson Well #2
                                                               Logan reviewed and evaluated video survey, production
                                                               and pumping performance, hydrographs, water quality
                                                               data, and side wall scraping results for Wilson Well
        Logan has more than eight years of professional experience   #2. He helped prepare technical specifications for well
        on groundwater and well investigations for numerous    rehabilitation, which included: cleaning of well casing and
        municipal and private clients. His experience includes   screen by brushing, applying dispersing agents, airlifting
        ground water quality evaluations, well siting investigations,   and swabbing, pumping and surging, aquifer pump tests,
        and remediation water supply studies. He also manages   flowmeter survey, post-development video survey, and final
        a number of well drilling and rehabilitation activities,   well disinfection.
        including supervision and coordination with drilling
        contractors, clients, and regulatory agencies, well design   Angus Petroleum: Angus Monitoring Well Continuous
        and construction, well development, and aquifer pumping   Water Quality Data Sheet
        test analyses.                                         Logan helped create the Angus Monitoring Well Continuous
                                                               Water Quality Data Sheet for in house collection,
        Selected Project Experience                            compilation and evaluation of all Angus Petroleum
                                                               Monitoring Well Water Quality Data. He also communicates
        Rancho California Water District: Well Constructions   with DOGGRs, addresses their comments and helps
        Logan helped complete an annual assessment of          compete final reports.
        ground surface movement and aquifer compression and
        rebound using extensometer, global positioning system,   City of Huntington Beach: Well 1 Replacement
        and production data. He was the lead hydrogeologist    Logan performed well destruction and replacement for the
        responsible for all onsite well deconstruction inspections   City of Huntington Beach. He supported design efforts for
        and replacement well construction including full time   well casing, screen, filter pack, and annular seal. During
        inspection of conductor borehole drilling, conductor casing   construction, he attended field meetings and worked with
        install, pilot borehole drilling, geophysical logging, and   the contractor to inspect conductor bore hole drilling,
        casing install for three new wells. He helped design, and   casing installation, and the sanitary seal. He also sampled
        oversaw installation and development for the replacement   and logged soil cuttings, inspected aquifer zone testing
        wells.                                                 for yield and water quality, and performed mechanical
                                                               grading analyses. Once constructed, Logan inspected final
        West Valley Water District: Sentinel Well 1 Construction  development by pumping and surging and aquifer pumping
        Logan performed site field supervision, field work,    tests.
        on site supervision during reaming, caliper logging,
        casing installation, and assisted with NPDES discharge

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