Page 244 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
P. 244
Jurupa Community Services District: Chino Basin Artificial Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority: Chino Desalter
Recharge Evaluation System Projects
Johnson led modeling efforts to modify a previously Johnson developed a detailed analysis of the Chino Ground
established groundwater flow model of the Chino Basin Water Basin that included a three-dimensional numerical
to incorporate solute transport and assess the impact of ground water flow model (MODFLOW). A separate analysis
artificial recharge operations planned by the Chino Basin was also conducted to assess potential water quality
Watermaster on Nitrate and TDS concentrations in the changes in project and existing wells as a result of the
southern Chino Basin. project.
Rancho California Water District: Surface and Ground
Water Model of the Murrieta-Temecula Ground Water
Johnson was the lead modeler to create an Integrated
Ground Water and Streamflow Model of RCWD. Johnson
worked with a technical panel that included, RCWD, USGS,
U.S. Marines, Camp Pendleton, Stetson Engineers, Santa
Margarita Watermaster, and GEOSCIENCE. The technical
was formed to avoid litigation between RCWD and the
Camp Pendleton Marine Base. Johnson is responsible for
preparation of the model and analysis of the results.
Yucaipa Groundwater Sustainability Agency - March 14, 2018 - Page 216 of 226