Page 239 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
P. 239

Mark Williams, PhD, PE
                           Technical QA/QC Lead / Optional SCADA/Telemetry Systems

                                                               For more than 20 years, Mark has focused on municipal
                                                               water quality. Mark has served in various capacities in
                           Years of Experience: 20             numerous studies focusing on water quality investigations
                                                               and oversees the Quality Assurance procedures
                         Years with GEOSCIENCE: 5              and practices for all of GEOSCIENCE’s water quality
                                                               investigations. Mark served as an Engineer for eight years
               Education:                                      in the Water Quality Division of the Metropolitan Water
               BS, Geology, University of Colorado, Boulder    District of Southern California, where he was involved
                                                               in Metropolitan’s Desalination Research Innovation
               MS, Civil Engineering, University of Southern   Partnership to manage inland desalination, and worked
               California                                      on a range of water quality projects including studies on
                                                               nitrates, NDMA, perchlorate, and bromate in municipal
               PHD, Civil Engineering, University of California  water supplies.

               Professional Registrations:                     Marks experience in SCADA and telemetry systems can
               California Professional Civil Engineer (No.     help develop a system that minimizes costs and improves
                                                               reliability and accuracy.
                                                               Selected Project Experience
                                                               San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District: Impacts of
                What Mark brings to the project...             Imported Water on Basin Objectives
                                                               Mark established the impact of recharging east-branch
          •  SCADA and Telemetry System expertise—             State Project water on salinity basin objectives in the San
              help provide accurate data while reducing costs  Bernardino area.
          •  Research & Development and process design—        Rancho California Water District: VDC Recharge Basin Pilot
              help trouble-shoot and identify solutions        Testing
                                                               Mark helped RCWD complete recharge facility pilot testing
          •  Quality Assurance/Quality Control focus—          to comply with  health department permits. He conducted
              receive a quality project minimizing re-work and   tracer testing and virus removal testing to determine
              potential change-orders                          ground water residence times and log-removal credit for
                                                               artificial recharge basins.
          •  Daily interaction with staff on all projects—help
              keep project schedule and budget on-track        Rancho California Water District: Lower VDC Recharge Test
                                                               Mark helped develop a preliminary test plant for recycled
                                                               water recharge in the lower VDC area. He also developed
                                                               tracer testing procedures to establish horizontal and vertical
                                                               ground water travel times.

                                                               Metropolitan Water District: Seasonal Water Quality Effects
                                  20+                          of State Project Water on disinfection By-Products
                                                               Mark evaluated the seasonal effects of water quality on
                        Water quality publications             forming chlorine by-products in organics in east-branch
                                                               state project water and Colorado River Water imported
                      and studies authored by Mark             water supplies.
                       including studies on salt and           Shallow Ground Water Quality in the Vicinity of Mills
                          nitrate in groundwater               Treatment Plant
                                                               Mark provided technical support and expert opinion
                                   20+                         nearby septic tanks based on levels of endocrine disrupting
                                                               in litigation on shallow groundwater and impacts from
                                                               compounds found in groundwater.
                             Years of experience

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