Page 237 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
P. 237
Brian Villalobos, PG, CHG, CEG
Project Manager
Brian has more than 28 years of professional experience
in geohydrology and environmental geology throughout
Years of Experience: 28 the Southern California region. His specific areas of
expertise are in hydrogeologic investigations to support
Years with GEOSCIENCE: 9 groundwater recharge, sustainability, safe yield, and indirect
potable reuse. He has studied and modeled the Yucaipa
Education: Groundwater Basin including, determining usable capacity
BS, Geology, California State University, Los and safe yield, evaluating recycled water and stormwater
Angeles use for recharge, and identifying potential recharge
Professional Registrations:
California Professional Geologist Selected Project Experience
(No. 4153)
Certified California Hydrogeologist San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District and
(No. 794) Partners: Determination of the Usable Capacity and Safe
Yield for each Sub-basin within the Yucaipa Basin Area
California Certified Engineering Geologist (No. Brian led efforts to reevaluate sub-basin boundaries in
1298) the Yucaipa Groundwater Basin to assess the “safe yield”
and storage capacity of each sub-basin. He developed a
watershed model of the Yucaipa Valley to determine water
balance terms previously not calculated. The “safe yield’
was calculated using three separate methods to validate
values and compared to historical calculations performed by
other parties.
What Brian brings to the project... Yucaipa Valley Water District: Recycled Water Use
Evaluation using the Gateway Sub-basin Focused
Groundwater Model
• Brian has worked heavily on projects within the Brian managed efforts to develop a geologic and hydrologic
Yucaipa Basin, including multiple groundwater conceptual model and a groundwater flow and solute
models and recharge studies. Additionally, he transport model for a 10 square mile area of the Gateway
helped identify potential recharge locations sub-basin and portions of five additional sub-basins. The
within the basin model is being used to evaluate potential movement of
• 28+ years of groundwater resource studies and recycled water from the Wilson Creek Spreading Basin.
reports including conjunctive use and storage
infiltration calculations San Bernardino County: Active Recharge Project from
Tributaries of the Santa Ana River
• Specializes in groundwater recharge and water Brian led our team to develop a watershed model to
reuse estimate potential stormwater capture from 13 tributary
Creeks to the Santa Ana River in the San Bernardino Valley.
The project included preparing conceptual designs for
stormwater capture facilities and estimating potential new
28+ conservation water added to the ground water system from
urban run-off capture.
Years of groundwater modeling San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District: Recharge
and well experience Investigation of the Yucaipa Groundwater Basin
Brian led efforts to complete a hydrogeologic investigation
at eleven potential sites within the Yucaipa Groundwater
Basin for potential artificial recharge. Recommendations for
subsequent phases of investigation were provided for each
Yucaipa Groundwater Sustainability Agency - March 14, 2018 - Page 209 of 226