Page 236 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
P. 236
San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water Project Data
District Upper Santa Ana River Integrated
Model Client: San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District
San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, CA Client Contact: Bob Tincher, Engineering and Planning Mgr.
Address: 380 East Vanderbuild Way, San Bernardino, CA
The Santa Ana River (SAR) watershed is the largest in 92408
Southern California and home to some of the fastest Phone: (909) 387-9215
population growth in the country. The communities in the Email:
Project Date: Ongoing
upper watershed from the 7 Oaks Dam upstream to the
Prado Dam downstream rely on groundwater for much of Relevancy to your project
their water supply. Currently there are several groundwater • Same Stakeholders
basins in the area, multiple water districts, and nine • Same Basin
separate groundwater and watershed models—making it • Assessing surface water infiltration and groundwater
difficult to identify current conditions and potential impacts recharge
that planned projects could have on groundwater and the
watershed as a whole. (i.e. groundwater operations in the various basins, etc.)
impact flow in the Santa Ana River and groundwater
San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District formed levels
a joint effort with Riverside Public Utilities, Western • Predict how proposed projects and mitigation measures
Municipal Water District, Inland Empire Utilities Agency, addressed in the HCP will impact flow in the Santa Ana
Orange County Water District, the U.S. Geological Survey, River and groundwater levels in the area
the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This joint effort will Currently, our team is using the existing groundwater and
develop a combined model for the Santa Ana River that surface water models to develop an integrated watershed
will help determine baseline hydrological conditions and model. The resulting Upper SAR Integrated Model (or
the potential effects of proposed projects on the Santa Integrated SAR Model), will be used to determine what
Ana River and groundwater levels for the entire upper factors may contribute to declines SAR flows, and assess
watershed. cumulative effects on SAR surface flows and groundwater
levels from approved, outstanding, and proposed projects,
The goals of the project will be to: including Upper SAR Habitat Conservation Plan Covered
• Calculate and estimate surface water percolation and
groundwater recharge. “They are one of, if not the, top firms that we work with.”
• Develop a tool to help riparian habitat and endangered
species protection efforts “Extremely responsive to project requirements and
• Identify any perennial rising or shallow groundwater adhering to schedules”
locations and how these areas might be affected by
current and proposed projects “I have the highest degree of confidence in their work. The
• Enhance the Habitat Conservation Plan baseline quality of the work product exceeds my expectations.”
condition to include both streamflow and groundwater - Bob Tincher, Manager of Engineering and Planning
levels San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District
• Develop a better understanding of how current projects
Yucaipa Groundwater Sustainability Agency - March 14, 2018 - Page 208 of 226