Page 235 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
P. 235

San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water                                      Project Data
        District Yucaipa Valley Recharge Investigation
        Yucaipa, CA
                                                                  Client: San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District
                                                                  Client Contact: Bob Tincher, Engineering and Planning Mgr.
        Our team conducted a hydrogeologic investigation of seven   Address: 380 East Vanderbuild Way, San Bernardino, CA
        areas in Yucaipa Valley for potential surface spreading or   92408
        injection operations. The assessment included drilling 10   Phone: (909) 387-9215
        exploratory boreholes and constructing three monitoring   Email:
        wells in existing flood/recharge basins. The final report   Project Date: 2014
        ranked the sites for recharge potential and provided      Team Members Assigned:
        suggestions to enhance recharge capabilities in the existing
        flood/recharge basins.
                                                                  Relevancy to your project
        The Yucaipa Groundwater Basin has been studied            •   Percolation analysis
        extensively since the 1970s by the USGS and consultants   •   Update groundwater model
        working for the Yucaipa Valley Water District (YVWD) and   •   Same Basin
        Valley District. Prior to this project, our team re-evaluated
        sub-basin boundaries within the basin. Subsequently, we
        re-calculated the long-term sustainable yield for each sub-
        basin using the updated sub-basin boundaries. We also
        determined groundwater in storage and usable storage
        capacity for each sub-basin for the years 2005 through
        2014. The calculation provided baseline data to evaluate
        the effectiveness of long-term groundwater management
        in the sub-basins and accounts for surface water spreading

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