Page 238 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
P. 238

Riverside County: Hydrogeologic Evaluation of the      City of Banning: Update of Safe Yield Estimates for the
        Riverside Aquifer Storage and Recovery Project         Banning Ground Water Storage Unit
        Brian identified available Santa Ana River surface flows to   Brian assessed current data and re-evaluated safe yield
        use in On-Channel and Off-Channel recharge basins and   estimates for the ground water basin as a potential source
        evaluated recharge impacts on the ground water surface.  of water supply for a proposed future development.
        Riverside County: Evaluation of Potential Locations for   City of Oceanside/RMS: Mission Basin Model Update and
        Ground Water Recharge at the East and West Dam Sites,   Evaluation of Indirect Potable Reuse
        Diamond Valley Lake                                    Brian developed a geologic and hydrologic conceptual
        Brian assessed water quality and water level trends and   model and a groundwater flow and solute transport model
        other considerations to evaluate impacts from proposed   for a 22 square mile area covering the entire Mission
        recharge scenarios.                                    Groundwater Basin near Oceanside California. The model
                                                               is being used to evaluate potential movement of recycled
        City of Banning: 2010 Urban Water Management Plan      water from the Wilson Creek Spreading Basin.
        Brian prepared the City of Banning 2010 Urban Water
        Management Plan (UWMP) to comply with the Urban        Olivenhain Municipal Water District: Groundwater Supply
        Water Management Planning Act requiring urban water    and Brine Management Program
        suppliers to assess the reliability of its water sources over   Olivenhain Municipal Water District (OMWD) relies
        a 20-year planning horizon considering normal, dry, and   almost entirely on imported water from the California
        multiple-dry years. Amendments to the UWMPA since the   and Colorado Aqueducts. To reduce independence on
        2005 UWMPA include the Water Conservation Act of 2009   imported water, Brian is leading our team’s efforts to
        or 20x2020 Plan, to reduce per capita water use by 20% by   determine the safe yield and increment water available in
        December 31, 2020.                                     the San Dieguito basin; and determine locations for well
                                                               fields, treatment facilities, pipelines, and brine discharge
        City of Moreno Valley: Ground Water Basin Assessment   facilities. Currently our team is collection data, completing
        for the Box Springs Mutual Water Company Service Area   a hydrological investigation and updating the current
        Rezoning                                               groundwater model. We are also developing preliminary
        Brian helped evaluate available long-term water supplies   well designs, recommending brine management activities,
        from the San Jacinto Ground Water Basin to support future   supporting community outreach, and completing desk-top
        City development plans.                                environmental reviews.

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