Page 234 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
P. 234
Rancho California Water District Groundwater Project Data
Recharge Program - Indirect Potable Reuse
Preliminary Design
Temecula, CA Client: Rancho California Water District
Client Contact: Rich Ottolini, Water Operations Manager
GEOSCIENCE is currently conducting a ground water Address: 42135 Winchester Road, Temecula, CA 92590
recharge program as part of the District’s Indirect Potable Phone: (951) 296-6900
Reuse (IPR) Preliminary Design Activities Project. The Project Date: 2014 - Present
program’s goal is to recharge the groundwater basin with
5,000 acre ft per year (AFY) of treated recycled water Team Members Assigned:
implemented in two phases. Results from the investigation
will help determine if recharging 3,000 AFY of available
recycled water at the Lower Valle de los Caballos spreading Relevancy to your project
ponds (Phase I) is feasible. • Percolation analysis
• Update groundwater model
The calculated recharge capacity of the Lower VDC ponds
will then be used to determine the conceptual design for
the Phase II injection well field(s) to provide and additional
2,000 AFY for ground water recharge. Specific tasks include: Lower VDC Recharge basin area
• Evaluating the impact of treatment on the amount of
• Developing overall work plans for pilot recharge test, recycled water that may be recharged
tracer testing, soil aquifer treatment (SAT) pilot testing, • Analyzing data and preparing a ground water recharge
monitoring, and data collection program summary report.
• Developing technical plans and specifications and
constructing/installing a nested monitoring well and
all appurtenant measuring devices, lysimeters, SAT test
basin, and pilot recharge basin
• Performing pilot recharge tests and measuring wetting
front downward movement Similar Project Elements
• Performing field tracer testing to measure ground
water seepage velocities Portions of this project, specifically
• Performing SAT pilot testing percolation pond construction, data
• Developing a focused ground water model for the collection, and infiltration analysis are
the same as what would be required
on this project. Lessons learned from
this project will help improve project
efficiency and provide more accurate
data that represents actual basin
conditions and helps SBVMWD make
better planning decisions.
Yucaipa Groundwater Sustainability Agency - March 14, 2018 - Page 206 of 226