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P. 240
Dennis Williams, PhD, PG, CHG
Technical Advisor
Dennis Williams, is the founder and president of
GEOSCIENCE. He has 47 years of experience in ground water
Years of Experience: 45+ hydrology and has directed more than 2,000 hydrogeologic
investigations and groundwater models, and overseen
Years with GEOSCIENCE: 39 design and construction for more than 1,000 deep large-
scale water supply wells. Dennis has been a consultant to
Education: the United Nations and several foreign governments, is a
BS, Geology, University of Redlands research professor at the University of Southern California’s
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, and
MS, Groundwater Hydrology, New Mexico has taught graduate level courses in hydrogeology and
Institute of Mining and Technology ground water modeling since 1980. He has authored more
than 50 publications on ground water and wells and was
PHD, Hydrology, New Mexico Institute of the principal author of the Handbook of Ground Water
Mining and Technology Development (John Wiley & Sons, 1990), chief reviewer for
the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Hydraulics
Professional Registrations: of Wells (2014), and author of Ch 13 (Slant Wells) in the
California Professional Geologist (No. 461) book Intakes and Outfalls for SWRO Desalination Facilities
(Springer 2015).
Certified California Hydrogeologist
(No. 139) Dennis has been on the forefront of groundwater
sustainability for the past 47 years and has helped
Certified Groundwater Hydrogeologist develop some of the methods and studies used to
(American Institute of Hydrogeology, determine sustainable yield and water budgets. His depth
No. 355) of experience will help our team identify and address
key issues in the final GSP to provide the county and
stakeholders within the San Luis Rey Valley a clear road-map
to sustainably manage groundwater resources.
What Dennis brings to the project...
Selected Project Experience
• Worldwide reputation in well design—provide San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District: Santa Ana
new ideas and perspectives River Integrated Model
Dennis is providing executive oversight to our team in an
• Experience with all injection well barriers in effort to use existing groundwater and surface water models
Southern California—help identify solutions to develop an integrated watershed model for the upper
• Experienced Technical problem solver—help Santa Ana River. The resulting Upper SAR Integrated Model
maximize well performance (or Integrated SAR Model), will be used to determine what
factors may contribute to declines SAR flows, and assess
• Daily interaction with staff on well projects— cumulative effects on SAR surface flows and groundwater
help keep project schedule and budget on-track levels. This is a multi-agency effort and includes Riverside
Public Utilities and surrounding water districts.
San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District: Bunker Hill
Basin Conjunctive Use Project
50+ Dennis was the Principal-in-Charge for an evaluation to
determine optimal extraction well locations and evaluate
proposed spreading grounds. Our team determined
Dennis has authored more than locations, and potential well capacities.
50 publications Yucaipa Valley Water District: Recycled Water Use
Evaluation using the Gateway Sub-basin Focused
Groundwater Model
Dennis served as the Principal-in-Charge for the
45+ construction of a groundwater model used to predict the
impacts of recycled water spreading on groundwater quality
Years of experience supporting and to downstream municipal wells.
groundwater modeling and
well design
Yucaipa Groundwater Sustainability Agency - March 14, 2018 - Page 212 of 226