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Lauren Wicks, MS, PG
                           Staff Hydrogeologist

                                                               and identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each
                                                               and helped with subsequent reports regarding model
                           Years of Experience: 6              construction and calibration. She helped compile a well
                                                               database with locations, construction information, lithologic
                         Years with GEOSCIENCE: 5              information and water level/water quality data availability.
                                                               Support for modeling and reporting activities, and assisted
               Education:                                      with the preparation of technical memoranda summarizing
               BS, Geology,  Cal Poly Pomona                   model construction, calibration, and predictive scenarios.

               BS, Integrated Earth Studies, Cal Poly Pomona   Rancho California Water District: Surface and Ground
                                                               Water Model of the Murrieta-Temecula Ground Water
               MS, Hydrology, University of Idaho              Basin
                                                               Lauren helped evaluate and report on a systematic model
               Professional Registrations:                     update and refinement process.
               California Professional Geologist (No. 9531)    Riverside Public Utilities: North Orange Well Field
                                                               Evaluation, Well Siting, and Non-Potable Water Supply
                                                               Lauren helped interpret model results and prepared a
               What Lauren brings to the project...            technical memorandum summarizing the impacts of new
                                                               potable and non-potable wells on the current North Orange
          •  Experience supporting groundwater models,         well field wells.
              sustainable yield studies, and calculating water
              budgets—help provide more accurate and           Chino Basin Desalter Authority: Chino Basin Ground Water
              thorough models and studies to inform options    Model Update
                                                               Lauren helped refine the Chino Basin Ground Water
          •  Detail oriented —help provide accurate data and   Model to evaluate impacts from proposed CDA wells. She
              high-quality deliverables                        also compiled data, updated model files, created model
                                                               datasets, and calibrated the groundwater model.
                                                               Western Municipal Water District: TDS and Nitrate
        Lauren has experience with groundwater and             Lumped-Parameter Model for the Riverside and Arlington
        environmental investigations performed for numerous    Groundwater Basins
        municipalities, state agencies, and private clients    Lauren helped create a lumped-parameter model to meet
        throughout the Southern California region. She performs   monitoring and reporting requirements of the groundwater
        groundwater flow and transport modeling, hydrogeologic   basins and assess compliance under various scenarios.
        investigations, groundwater basin and water quality    She also helped prepare various technical memorandums
        studies, artificial recharge projects, and has experience   throughout the modeling process.
        in GIS mapping, watershed management, database
        development and management. Lauren also supports our   East Valley Water District:  Wastewater Reclamation Plant
        team by developing accurate and complete written reports   Engineering Report
        and documents, and by performing quality reviews on data.  Lauren helped produce technical memorandums

        Selected Project Experience                            summarizing the predicted impacts of recharging recycled
                                                               water at various recharge sites as part of the proposed
                                                               Sterling Natural Resource Center. The analysis included
        San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District: Santa Ana   determining the amount of underflow available as diluent
        River Integrated Model                                 water, and calculating travel times for recycled water
        Lauren is working with our team to use existing        recharge and recycled water contribution at nearby
        groundwater and surface water models to develop an     production wells.
        integrated watershed model for the upper Santa Ana River.
        The resulting Upper SAR Integrated Model (or Integrated   Rancho California Water District: Santa margarita River
        SAR Model), will be used to determine what factors may   Watershed Groundwater Model Runs & Evaluation
        contribute to declines SAR flows, and assess cumulative   Lauren helped conduct GSFLOW, soluble transport, and
        effects on SAR surface flows and groundwater levels.   sustainable yield model runs to prepare a groundwater
                                                               model plan.
        San Bernardino Municipal Water District: Joint
        Groundwater Model for the Rialto-Colton Groundwater
        Lauren prepared a technical memorandum comparing
        previous groundwater models of the Rialto-Colton area

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