Page 241 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
P. 241

Chris Coppinger, PG, CHG
                           Assistant Project Manager

                                                               Chris has 12 years of professional experience in
                                                               groundwater consulting for numerous municipal and
                           Years of Experience: 12             private clients. His expertise includes ground water basin
                                                               evaluations, siting investigations, and artificial recharge
                         Years with GEOSCIENCE: 11             and conjunctive use studies. He also manages a number
                                                               of construction oversight activities including coordinating
               Education:                                      with project stakeholders. Chris’ experience with artificial
               BS, Geology, College of William & Mary          recharge and studies will help our team obtain accurate
                                                               data needed to conduct the infiltration analysis.
               Professional Registrations:
               California Professional Geologist (No. 9093)    Selected Project Experience
               Certified California Hydrogeologist (No. 1040)
                                                               City of Riverside: Well Rehabilitation and Groundwater
                                                               Monitoring Program
               Status:                                         Chris managed efforts to compile and review historical well
               Full-time employee                              data for 60 potable water supply wells owned and operated
                                                               by the city. The project developed a well ranking system
                                                               to prioritize well rehabilitation and repair. To complete the
                                                               assessment, Chris reviewed video surveys, driller’s logs,
                                                               construction information, historical pumping, performance,
                What Chris brings to the project...            ground water elevations, and past rehabilitation/
                                                               redevelopment measures. Chris helped develop a priority
                                                               ranking matrix for well rehabilitations/replacement that
          •  Construction supervision experience  —increase    included the well’s estimated remaining useful life , and
              project efficiency                               estimated rehabilitation costs over five, ten and twenty
          •  Experience with supply, injection, water bank-    years. At the conclusion of the review Chris developed
              ing, and monitoring wells—identify and resolve   presentations and attended project workshops to present
              issues                                           and discuss findings to key project personnel.

          •  Experience on projects with multiple locations—   City of Riverside: 2015 Well Rehabilitation
              help manage schedule and budget and identify     Upon completion of the Well Rehabilitation and
              project efficiencies                             Groundwater Monitoring Program, the city selected 4 wells
                                                               for rehabilitation. Chris led efforts to, repair, rehabilitate,
                                                               and return to service, a well drilled in 1927. He also
                                                               provided recommendations to modify existing technical
                                                               specifications to allow needed repairs, and oversaw
                                                               field inspection during repair. All wells were successfully
                                    39                         rehabilitated with two achieving major increases in
                      The number of clients Chris has          California Water Service Company: Groundwater Supply
                         worked with to design and             Study
                       install groundwater injection           Chris developed a strategy to maximize groundwater
                              and supply wells                 production to fully utilize pumping allotment across two
                                                               adjudicated basins. He compiled and reviewed historical
                                                               pumping and water level data in district wells, and located
                                    60                         data from other nearby wells. Chris then developed
                                                               rehabilitation schedules, long term average flow rates, and

                          The number of separate               provided areas to target for future well siting.
                       locations Chris has supervised
                             on a single project

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