Page 60 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
P. 60
While infiltration testing would be conducted for only 14 days, depending on site infiltration
rates, it is possible that recharged water will reach the water table at some investigation
sites during or following infiltration testing. Groundwater level monitoring is recommended
for sites with monitoring wells (or piezometers) to confirm whether infiltration testing
results in a groundwater level response. Confirmation of such a response can be used to
validate vertical infiltration and infer the degree of horizontal spreading of recharged water
in the vadose zone. The following three existing piezometers are available for monitoring
during infiltration testing:
Piezometer YRP‐PZ3 at the Wildwood Creek Basin (EX‐4)
Piezometer YRP‐PZ1 at the Wilson Creek Basins (EX‐1)
Piezometer YRP‐PZ2 at the Oak Glen Creek Basins
Depth to water (DTW) measured in 2014 was 104 feet‐bgs at Wildwood Creek Basin, 272
feet‐bgs at the Wilson Creek Basins, and 302 feet‐bgs in the Oak Glen Creek Basins.
All field activities shall be conducted to ensure minimal disturbance to native vegetation and
minimize soil erosion along channel banks. The following site management practices are
recommended in addition to requirements to be specified by SBCFCD and other regulatory
No grading shall occur on channel banks
Any excess debris or sediment generated during testing will be disposed of properly
No fueling shall occur within 100 feet of the channel
Inadvertent impacts to the site from personnel and equipment will be prevented by
limiting ingress/egress to proposed access paths.
Any fuel or oils leaking shall be contained to ensure there is no release on the
An emergency spill kit will be onsite at all times.
Infiltration testing will not occur during or within 24 hours following a significant
rainfall event, defined as ¼ inch or more of rain in a 24‐hr period.
All equipment and materials shall be inspected for presence of non‐native invasive
Final Infiltration Test Work Plan for
Thirteen Investigation Sites
Yucaipa Groundwater Sustainability Agency - March 14, 2018 - Page 59 of 226