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                       The proposed work is governed under the Clean Water Act, Section 404, which is
                       administered by the USACE. The USACE issues nationwide permits (NWPs) to authorize
                       activities under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors
                       Act of 1899 that will result in no more than minimal individual and cumulative adverse
                       environmental effects. The NWP program is designed to provide timely authorizations for
                       the regulated public while protecting the Nation’s aquatic resources.

                       The work proposed by Valley District is consistent with NWP 6, “Survey Activities” (see
                       Appendix B of this Work Plan). NWP 6 does not require formal notification to the USACE or
                       USACE approval but does require that Valley District maintain a good record of all project
                       activities and results. NWP 6 also identifies a list of General Conditions that the Valley
                       District must follow for compliance. NWP 6 does not require mitigation as long as the terms
                       of the General Conditions are met.

                       It should be noted that for SBCFCD facilities, SBCFCD may require that Valley District
                       demonstrate compliance with permits from other agencies. Because the project falls within
                       the guidelines of USACE NWP 6, which does not require approval from the USACE, Valley
                       District can prepare a standard USACE Pre‐Construction Notification Form (PCN) for
                       inclusion in the SBCFCD permit documentation.

                        2.4. REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD

                       The proposed work is governed under the Clean Water Act, Section 401, administered by
                       the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). Pursuant to title 23, section 3838 of the
                       California Code of Regulations, the RWQCB reviews the USACE Nationwide Permit Program
                       developed for Clean Water Act Section 404 and determines the level of state‐required
                       permitting necessary for Clean Water Act Section 401 compliance.

                       Because the project falls under the USACE NWP 6, the RWQCB has determined that this type
                       of project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review since their
                       activities should not have a significant effect on the environment, either individually or

                       However, the RWQCB requires that a notification be submitted on the 2012 Certified
                       Nationwide Permit Notification Form, which is provided in Appendix C of this Work Plan.
                       The signed notification, along with the applicable fees, must be submitted to the Santa Ana
                       Regional Water Quality Control Board, with a copy to the State Water Board, not less than
                       45 days before any activity which may result in a discharge is commenced. To avoid project
                       delays, Valley District should submit the notification and fees as early as possible.

                        Final Infiltration Test Work Plan for
                        Thirteen Investigation Sites
                        Yucaipa Valley, CA                          9                   TODD GROUNDWATER

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