Page 20 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 20
Dudek assumes that Valley District or the Yucaipa GSA will provide a single lead point of contact
authorized to make decisions and provide project direction and project management upon Notice to
Proceed. This person will assist with facilitating the kickoff meeting with the GSA, which will be held at a
location provided by Valley District.
Current and Historical Data Compilation and Assessment of Existing Data
Following this meeting, Dudek will submit a formal request to the GSA for historical and current data to
characterize groundwater and surface water conditions in the basin.
o Dudek assumes that all data will be provided in digital format (e.g., excel files, text files,
GIS shape files, etc.) so Dudek personnel may efficiently compile all information in a
database to facilitate evaluation and analysis. This estimate does not include collecting
PDFs or hard copies requiring time to manually enter data into digital formats. If data is
currently in such format, then Dudek requests that Agency staff manually enter the data
in digital formats. Dudek will provide direction to Agency staff, if necessary, to compile
the data in the requested format.
o Dudek will request that the historical and current data be provided sixty (60) days after
the GSA receives the formal request. Data made available after the 60-day window will
be held for incorporation in the 5-year updates. We make this request so that it is not
necessary to re-do analyses when additional data are found. Re-doing analyses because
incomplete data were provided originally would be out of scope.
Prepare Prepare InitialInitial Data Gaps Technical MemoData Gaps Technical Memo
Prepare repare InitialInitial Data Gaps Technical MemoData Gaps Technical Memo
Data gaps will be summarized in a list at the conclusion of the Current and Historical Groundwater
Conditions task. Data conformance issues (i.e., inconsistent units, etc.) will be noted but not rectified as
part of this task. Data provided by the various sources is assumed to be correct and representative, and
does not require verification. However, related data and reports will be compared for consistency. Data
gaps will be limited to those with potential significance to the development of the GSP. This task assumes
two (2) conference calls and one (1) round of review by the Yucaipa GSA.
• Data Gaps Technical Memo
It is assumed that 4 water level maps, up to 8 water quality maps, and 5 hydrostratigraphic cross sections
will be prepared.
Technical Advisory Committee and echnical Advisory Committee and Stakeholder MeetingsStakeholder Meetings
Technical Advisory Committee and Technical Advisory Committee and Stakeholder MeetingsStakeholder Meetings
Dudek will participate in four (4) TAC meetings. Our participation in each TAC meeting will correspond with
a milestone in developing the GSP.
1. Kickoff, discussion of roles and expectations, discussion of conceptual model of the basin.
2. Current conditions, historical water budget, historical safe yield, data gaps, uncertainty
Undesirable results, minimum thresholds and measureable objectives
3. Establishing future conditions to be simulated: climate, population growth and demand,
projects to be evaluated and included, how the simulations will be conducted with the
numerical model..
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Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 29, 2018 - Page 19 of 25